I have been lusting for this Fendi bag that I could have bought at 40% off... (I'm still hitting myself)
I need a picture of it to drool over and to remind me not to buy other things.
Can anyone help me? I've checked all the site and Ebay. It's like a shoulder bag that's almost triangular in shape (with the tip cut off). It's had ridges and is made of leather (NO LOGO) and has two brass Fendi buttons on the sides.
I was never into the baguette, but the past couple seasons I've really been into Fendi bags.
no, unfortunately that's not the bag. it's almost got these tube-y looking ridges. it's completely made of leather. that's why i want it.... it's like a medium size. it came in all different colors. there was like a soft pink, bright yellow, and metallic ones.
sigh sadly no. thank you for looking! it's kina like that but it's flat on top and it's got these tube-like ridges from side to side. i'm beginning to think that this bag was a dream!