anyone ever have TMJ? What does it feel like? I have been having problems with my jaw clicking for about 2 months. Now that has gone away and for the past 2 weeks I can't open my mouth very far and it hurts to chew. Now I have a pretty bad pain in my jaw and left side of my face. Do I go to the dentist or family doctor?
There are many languages, but laughter sounds the same in every one.
I have it--usually occurs when I am very stressed out. I start clenching my jaw and start to feel a huge amount of tension in my jaw, neck, and shoulders. My headaches would be so bad that I could barely concentrate on studying if I had an exam or something like that. I don't get clicking very often, but when it happens I can barely open my mouth. I said something to my dentist and all she recommended was an expensive mouth guard for when I sleep which I wasn't really interested in. Then I told my physician when I had my annual physical and she referred me to a physical therapist. The therapist worked on me and also gave me exercises. You can apply ice or heat as well. I would try to get in to see a physical therapist.
my sister has it -- she basically could never open her mouth very wide. She went through her dentist and ended up having surgery. A reg. physician can probably help, too, but I think a dentist or oral surgeon would know more about it.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
I also have it. Mine seem to have developed about 5 years ago. When I started having jaw problems (not being to open my mouth very wide, hurting like hell when I tried, etc.) I went to my dentist. I was told I need a mouthguard as well, but I have to say that I have not had any of the symptoms of TMJ since I started wearing it. The only thing that I notice I still do is clench my mouth together when I'm sleeping (I notice it when I wake up). For me, the mouthguard is a huge benefit and worth the money.
The symptoms you mentioned sound like you could have it. I would definitely recommend going to your dentist.
Hey mikacat--My husband and I both have it. He has a worse case of it than I do and he got a mouth guard, but he never wears it b/c he says it's unconfortable. It sounds like you might have it though, but it is treatable. Mine is kind of sporadic, I only grind my teeth at night when I am really stressed out about something. I know that I don't want a mouthguard so I just try to control it myself. The things that have worked for me are:
Melatonin or Kava Kava before bed (those are all natural);
A massage therapist told me once to bite down really hard on a rolled up washcloth 3-5 times before bed. This helps tire the muscle so you don't grind your teeth while you're sleeping adn has worked for me.
Also, notice whether your jaw is relaxed enough during the day while you are awake. Some people get it so bad that they are actively grinding their teeth when they are stressed out and awake & don't even realize it. I've caught myself doing that a few times when I'm under a lot of pressure and just conciously try to relax it. If you're in a lot of pain, I would definitely go to a dentist or regular doctor. They will look at your teeth and be able to tell if you are grinding them. Also, a mucle relaxer might help in the meantime. GL!
quote: Originally posted by: alb "Melatonin or Kava Kava before bed (those are all natural "
those are all great suggestions, alb. The only thing is that I would try melatonin over kava kava - recent studies have shown that regular use of kava kava can cause liver damage.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase