My mom had them done once - she ended up being sensitive to the glue they use (which is pretty hardcore stuff I hear). She had to have them remove the ones they'd put on and walked around with swollen red crusty eyelids for nearly 2 weeks .
I'd not recommend them in general, but definitely not before a big event until you know how your skin will react!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
my SIL has got them done a couple of times. they looked great on her! One of the things she loved about them was not having to put on mascara. But she tells me you have to be careful when washing your face and you cant rub your eyes. So in the end she'd go nuts trying not to rub her eyes so she gave up and stays away from them now. But she used to wear them and get fills for months and months.