anyone own an electric wet/dry shaver? i've been looking at them recently and i'm wondering what one i should buy, if any. i'm so sick of spending $$$ on razor heads for disposables. here's a few i've seen: $39.99 epilady epic (at target)
$39.99 panasonic close curves (target)
emjoi light caress $69.99 (target)
remington smooth and silky $39.99 (target)
also, what's the difference between a shaver and an epilator? i'm assuming an epilator removes the entire hair whereas the shaver just nicks the top of it..? which should i get or should i get one that has both?
"apparently there are more important things in life than fashion... yeah, right."
an epilator actually rips the hair out, like waxing. My mom did it for a couple years and now she can go a month without touching her legs, and when the hair does grow in it grows in very fine. She absolutely loves it and is always encouraging me to do it, I just really don't like the growing-out period you have to do with it. I didn't know that they made combo gizmos, after all you have to grow your hair out a bit to even be able to use the epilator.
-- Edited by ttara123 at 21:16, 2008-05-28
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I had one of those emjoy gadgets.. it was so painful, it plucks each hair out one at a time, would sometimes snag my skin, and would leave me with pink/red pores from the irritation. I was planning on using it for the bikini area but judging from the pain I had with my legs, I couldn't even fathom it.
Maybe everyone's threshold for pain is different, I have sensitive skin but I don't really have a low treshold for pain. Booo hissss epilator!
my mom tried to get me to use her epilator in highschool - i wouldn't touch that thing with a ten foot pole - it grabs your hair and rips it out and somehow seems much more scary than waxing (though i've been known to beg the waxer to stop halfway through the job) i say don't get one of those unless you can try a friend's first or know the store has a good return policy.
Bliss and Phillips just came out with a bikini line electric razor that I really want to try, although in my experience an electric razor doesn't give as close of a shave. I like a really close shave with no stubble and I haven't been able to get that with an electric. You also have to be careful about ingrowns because a lot of times the electric razor won't get close to the surface and the hair will grow back really weird and painful
I just recently bought an Epilator from Target..... and I it! to me, its like when you first start plucking your eyebrows, kind of hurts but you get used to it after. Actually to be honest, it hella hurts more in some areas on the legs than other areas! ha! but its so well worth it! I love my epilady!!!!!! and now i hardly feel a thing anywhere!