Does anyone have any tricks? I hate days like today, where I didn't have a lot of time this morning so I didn't really put a lot of effort into my hair. It's kind of just hanging there today. I'm going out tonight and don't feel like washing and blowdrying it. Is there any way to give myself volume without it? Can I use things like mousse on dry hair? I think all my packages say to just use it on damp hair, so I'm afraid that putting more crap on my head will just weigh it down more.
Or is there some product I can buy for future days like this, that actually can be used on dry hair?
ETA: I've thought about rollers, etc. But curl really doesn't stay with my hair unless it is somehow prepped with a product. Just spraying it after curling doesn't seem to do a damn thing!
-- Edited by ttara123 at 19:17, 2008-05-28
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
Sometimes I just get some water on my fingers and massage the roots a bit, blowdry that bit of moisture back out, and then flip my part to the other side. Works in a pinch, but it never looks as good as 'fresh' IMO.
Have you tried any of those hair powders or dry shampoos? They're intended for use on dry hair, but I'd imagine they'd dull the shine a bit.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Have you tried any of those hair powders or dry shampoos? They're intended for use on dry hair, but I'd imagine they'd dull the shine a bit.
I tried one that I think XtinaStyles recommended, called "Pssssst!" It was alright for taking care of greasiness, but it didn't really do anything for my hair as far as styling goes. So it was useful, just not in for this task specifically
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I swear by the bumble and bumble hair powder for volume the next day. I try to wash my hair every other day, and I use the B&B on my off days. I lift up sections of hair and spray my roots all over, then massage it in. I'm so addicted to it! My hair is wavy, and this makes it full and piece-y. It also is a lifesaver for messy updo's when I am really running late.
I can't use anything gooey like Jonathan's dirt - it just made my hair greasy and flat. And the Aveda hair powder does not work on me at all.
Have you tried a bit of light hairspray? It's old school but it works for me. I flip my hair over and spritz at the roots - all over. I flip back over, fluff, and voila! instant volume.
Thanks for the suggestions! I've heard good things about Bumble & Bumble but never really got around to it after I was disappointed by Psssst, but I think it's worth a try :)
How did I forget hairspraying my roots? I must be seriously incompetent over here I remember trying it in high school, and it failed because I was even worse at hair then, so I kind of dropped it from my brain.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
go with the hair powder spray. i have used Bb, Rene Furterer and Oscar Blandi (all the sprays) and all were great. i would say that with the Rene Furterer and OB i did notice that my hair was a bit "lighter" thus the white of the powder showing through however the Bb was the most color matched.
I use a very small amount of baby powder at the roots for lift on these kinds of days and work it in well. It works nicely. Gotta watch it cuz my hair is dark though.
About the mousse- that would just make your hair crusty. I don't recommend.
I would use a root volumizing product. I have one from Aveda that works pretty well and is light/non-greasy. I usually just spray in the root and then use a roller brush to get lift/volume and then put the blow dryer over it for a few minutes. You can also hairspray after you've done it.
I'm not really sure of what you are looking for... you want something to resurrect volume AND fix the style of your hair without you having to re-style....?
I'm not really sure of what you are looking for... you want something to resurrect volume AND fix the style of your hair without you having to re-style....?
It's not that I don't want to restyle my hair (I mean, I know I can't just spray something on and walk out the door, I do have to do some work here). I want to be able to style it (i.e. give it volume) without going through the shampooing and blowdrying phase. Like, I want to be able to start dry. And Pssst seemed to make my hair look matte and not oily, but wasn't really a style product in and of itself and if I used hairspray, etc. on top of it, it just weighed it down so I lost all the volume I was trying to ressurect. Am I making any sense? I feel like I know what I'm trying to say right now and I'm having a hard time typing it. I need coffee or something
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
Hmph! Yea I have noticed that matte look with the spray. I wish I had a solution, usually I start fresh or use the curling iron to make the ends look less ratty.