I line my entire eye when I'm going out at night, but not for the day. I usually use a dark color that's not black, like grey or a really dark pink. I almost never wear black exclusively - I at least brighten it up with a smudge of colored eyeshadow in my lashes. And when I do wear black, I usually avoid lining the corners of my eyes and keep a light hand.
Maybe try experimenting with different colors? like brown?
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
If you have light hair try it with a bronze color liner instead. Also, a lot of smudging helps from keeping too severe which helps with the light skin tone. Or, line with shadow so its not as harsh.
I look terrible when my eye is lined all the way. I have medium brown hair and blue eyes. I have no idea why though... In fact, I think I look terrible with eyeliner period. Maybe a very small amount or a color other than black. I also have paler skin. That might be some of it- since RB looks pretty tan and gwynnie looks like a ghost. Black is so harsh.
actually i think it has more to do with the shape of your eyes, how big they are, and how close together they are. if your eyes are somewhat close together, or have a downward slant on the outer corners, you generally will not be able to pull off lining the whole eye. (this is how my eyes are, by the way) if I were you i'd go to a high-end makeup counter like bobbi brown or mac and tell a makeup artist to work with you to figure out the best eyeliner look for you, or maybe a way that you can make your eyes look more dramatic without looking like a cheap hooker.
I have blonde hair, blue eyes, and super pale skin, like Gwyneth. I don't do it often but I line my entire lid for special occasions (meaning when I go all out on make-up). I agree with Hermione - it has more to do with your eye and face shape than anything else. I have huge eyes (someone once called them frog eyes - boo), so it works for me. If someone had smaller eyes, it might make them look even smaller.
Also, I agree with greendiamond about the smudging and using shadow as liner. I've used Stila's smudge pots as well, but I always end up going over it with shadow. Most of the time I just use shadow and an angled brush.
I always have the best pics when I have my eyes lined like that too. I'm not sure if the two are related (could be that I put on more make-up in general and spiffy up), but it's a nice bonus to the time and effort.
i'm trying to figure this out too. i always think lauren conrads eyes look great, so that's what i was shooting for. i too have blond hair and blue eyes and think it looks a bit harsh, but how does lauren/laurens makeup artist do it??
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. -Frank Sinatra
The trick to doing this is lining AS CLOSE TO YOUR EYE as possible, like right on the rim, so there's no space between your eye and the eyeliner. I find liquid liner works best. Maybe not the most hygenic thing in the world, but that's the only way it looks right. The line should be very clean and precise, and then you can use eyeshadow a shade lighter on top of it to make it a little smudgy. I don't think Lauren Conrad has the second layer of smudgy eyeshadow in the second pic, but it does look good if you do it. Of course this is a look I only do at night.
I've tried lining the rim with liquid liner thinking it would look better, but when I do that it looks super harsh on me. I use a fine brush and eyeshadow and line my rims like that.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I have blonde hair and green eyes. My eyes are small, deep-set, and kinda close together, so I have to be careful with the lining. I usually do a liquid liner on the top and then do a softer liner on the bottom -- like using an angle brush and some gray shadow to gently smudge a line on the bottom. Also, on the bottom, I only line about half-way..I dont' go all the way to the tear duct.
Interesting perspectives here ladies. I think it may be more about the shape of my eyes... I come from a Russian background and all of my family has "heavy" eyelids, not really saggy but there's not much of a crease in there.
I will try lining with a powder or doing darker line on top and lighter on bottom. I usually line the whole thing when going out, but I also do a smokey eye with it or add lashes so it kinda evens out the entire look.
Thanks guys, glad to know I'm not the only one questioning the look.