Hello ladies: I have a friend who is getting married this summer. She has already had her bridal shower. Her bachelorette is coming up next month, then the wedding. What is the proper etiquette for gifts? Do I need to get something for each event? Thank you!!
P.S. She is my roommate, but we are not particularly close--I've known her less than a year.
Presents are not necessary for a bachelorette party. For mine I got a couple silly gifts and some earrings but nothing big... just things people wanted to give and were very unexpected. I think just attending is enough (and can be expensive enough!)
You also aren't expected to give a shower present if it has already happened. Normally only the attendees bring gifts.
I can't remember if the etiquette is to get a gift for every invitation or to get a gift for every party you attend (regarding the shower). If you're not that close, I wouldn't worry about the shower and just bring a gift to the wedding (or have one sent, whatever) and be done with it.
As for the bachelorette party, if there's no lingerie shower or anything involved, no gift is required. Usually the attendees pay for the bride's drinks, etc. for the night but I wouldn't imagine that would be a big deal with a group of girls.