Does anyone have any recommendations for good workout tapes? I'd like to do one before I leave for work in the morning. Preferably about 1/2 hr to 40 minutes.
Also, I'd prefer it didn't require a lot of jumping, as I don't think my downstairs neighbor would like that at 7 a.m.
"I base most of my fashion taste on what doesn't itch." - G. Radner
The windsor pilates tapes are really good and really quick. Usually 20 minutes and you do a lot of laying/sitting on the floor so no jumping around. Walmart has been carrying them if you want to check them out.
quote: Originally posted by: brite eyes "carmen electra's second disc in her stiptease series is really good. the second isn't so much about stripping as it is getting a stripper's body."
This is my suggestion too. I love this tape. It's not aerobic or anything but it's great for overall toning. It's called "Fit to Strip"