1.) Save more money, instead of spending it!!!!!!!!!!
2.) Lose 20 pounds, and get back to my size six pant size
3.) Start training for the San Antonio Marathon
4.) Become more organized, I am really great of thinking of new ideas for work, or creative projects for school, but I never end up doing it or finishing them.
exercise more (haha "more" = at all) read more write more design more listen to more music i'm not initially drawn to paint the apartment already! for god sakes, we took down the wallpaper LAST new year's and it's still not painted. or get friend's dad to paint it. learn about perfume play a sims character long enough so he/she dies
I had more that I posted in the other thread, but my newest resolution is to keep a notebook next to my bed and write down every night a) one nice thing I did for someone that day; and b) one thing I am thankful for.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde