I like it but there are alot of hobo bags out there that are similar to this. This one has something that makes it cooler than the rest of those bags so if you like it and want it, get it! It's pretty!
i like it, but i i wouldn't pay that much for it. it's very cool looking, but i feel like you're paying for the marni, name, and not b/c it's a superhot bag. but again feel free to completely disregard my opinion.
I love the bag! I have one but I bought it from UO and its a little different, its about the same color and I do have to say it gets dirty after a while. So just keep that in mind.
Just wanted to point out this Marni bag on bluefly for $489.. but it's a different shape in brown leather, not white (and not as cute as the one you posted, but thought I'd let u know anyway):