What are some of the places you shop/browse online? I'm thinking it would be cool if we shared some of the more obscure, less well-known places we visit.
I browse/shop the same places online, and I'd love to have some new sites to explore.
I usually just browse online for B&M stores I have access to, because I don't usually like buying clothes online. But I do like outblush.com - it's a shopping blog that gets me looking at new sites all the time.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
other than that I stick to the usual - shopbop, jcrew, anthro (although I'm becoming less enamored with them), all of the shoe sites I can bookmark - from Endless to pedshoes, and I do lots of google searches for specific items.
grechenscloset.com has an insane directory of emerging designers and boutiques. Definitely check it out. It will keep you busy for a longggggg time. :D