At first it was cute, my cat sleeping under the christmas tree....
and then...not so cute when I had to cut him out of the lights as he dangled from his hind legs. You would think that incident would have scarred him for life,, he almost knocks the tree down on top of him by jumping halfway up the tree, I've tried clapping at him, yelling "no"; he is only annoyed when I squirt water at him, and if I chase him away, he thinks it is a game...and he runs right back under the tree when I walk away. What can I do to keep this cat out of the christmas tree? ANY suggestions?? Help!
This isn't really a stylish or attractive answer....Most cats hate to walk on aluminum foil, so you could line the floor around the tree with foil for a few days. Althernatively, they also hate to step on sticky stuff, so laying some packing tape down, sticky side up, will probably do the trick.
My cats an idiot when it comes to the tree. He always tries to eat it, then throws up. He never really learns that the tree isn't edible (it isn't even a real tree), and I'll be picking up cat vomit most days while the tree is up. Ick!
I'm glad I didn't read this while I was at work b/c I was seriously busting up!!! Luckylily's suggestions are great if your can doesn't respond to water. We trained our cat with water and hissed at him at the same time - now we just have to hiss and he runs away! You could also try making some other startling noise when he ventures too close to the tree.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Petsmart and Petco sell a product called "Cat Away". Spray this under around and into the lower part of the tree. You'll have to spray a few times daily to break him of it.
BTW, the stuff doesn't smell bad, but it doesn't smell like pine.
His name is Ace (we got him when we were really into poker), aka: rotten; and no, I do not own a fog horn, lol...this cat refuses to let me be the boss!
i was just going to post that the tin foil thing doesn't work with my cat, but i see you've already tried and failed! i tried it with a particular spot of the counter that the cat seems to like to sleep on (wtf?) and when i came home from work that day, there he was, curled up on the tin foil...
my cat's an orange male too, maybe they're wise to our schemes!
good luck, i've had cats my whole life and they've never left the tree alone.
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis
sorry, i don't have any suggestions, but your cat is adorable and those pictures are hilarious. it makes me miss having a cat to trash my tree.
do you think if you ignore him he will lose interest after a few days?
ooh, ooh, i just remembered that there is a pet expert the radio today from 2pm-3pm (EST -- it's a station out of ny). this is the # 1-800-34-TALK-1(1-800-348-2551) -- you should call and ask her what to do. she always has really great solutions to pet problems.
omg that is so hilarious! look at the little guy... i find when cats have their mind set on something; it's going to happen no matter what. that's so funny!!!!
This is my cat's first Christmas and she LOVES the tree. As soon as I plug the lights in she's underneath it. She's knocked a lot of the bulbs and bows off and has tried to climb or lay down it it. I used to spray her with water, but now there are gifts under that doesn't work W usually just yell or chase her.
I kinda chuckled when I saw the subject....why didn't I post this!?
:HAHAH too cute! My first cat used to knock the tree over, so we had to rig it to the wall with fishing line. That might solve that problem. As far as him keeping AWAY from the tree, no chance. Hopefully eventually he will stop trying to climb it.