My friend has some great music on her ipod and we're trying to figure out how to share it with me. Can we just plug her ipod into my computer and her music will load into my itunes? But we don't want any of my music to load onto her ipod. Can we do this?
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
I've done it between my boyfriend and my ipod's, but I know that worked because we both have itunes libraries on the same computer. Since that's not the case, you definitely can't just plug it in - that won't work.
The only two ways I can think of are to either have her burn you a cd w/the songs you want and them upload them to your library and put them on your ipod, or have her email you the song files. Also, if any of the songs are songs she bought on iTunes, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be able to transfer those since it's illegal and no one would pay if they could just share.
If it were me, I'd just have her burn you a cd and do it that way. HTH!
There are a couple of ways that may work. None are straight forward...basically you want to move her files onto your computer first before using itunes.
If you have extraspace on your ipod turn on the option to use it as a harddrive or by a thumbdrive. Copy the actual files (not through itunes) that you want either onto your ipod or the thumb drive. Next, Move those files from your thumbdrive or ipod onto a folder on your desktop then add them through itunes.
If those files were bought through itunes a message will pop up asking for your friend's password. You can authorize up to 5 pcs to play the files so if she doesn't mind sharing she just has to enter her password once.
Another way is to download software like which will pull the music files and information directly off your friends ipod onto your pc. Again you do this with the other software before letting Itunes know about the file.
Or like ttara said you can burn them to a cd as mp3s...I think for Itune purchased files you have to burn them as .wav though.