A year ago or so I rushed to the gyno bc I was experiencing extreme pain in my lower abdomen. She sent me to get a sonogram weeks later and the result was clear but the diagnosis was that it was a functional ovarian cyst which had passed in the meantime. The cyst happens when you ovulate and the egg kinda gets stuck and doesnt pass. I have felt that pain several times this year, complained to a different doc who said it was very normal and that there was nothing I could really do unless they get very large or very painful in which they would have to operate to remove. The only real prevention is birth control which stops you from ovulating, therefore you don't have an egg.
I've been on birth control for about 3 years now. I've been taking OrthoCyclen for about a year now, I take it literally within the same hour every day. How the heck can I be making an egg in the first place? Isn't that ovulation? Shouldn't I not be ovulating? Can I get pregnant then? Am I immune to birth control?
All of these questions are looming through my head. I am feeling another cyst coming on and am debating about whether to run back to the dr. but the last time I went they told me they no longer accept my insurance and so I might be liable for a $250 bill plus labwork - I can't go to the same place and possibly have a sonogram done and pay for it in cash. Worst case scenario I'll go to a new doc but does anyone have any experience with this? I am trying to research online and almost all sites say that you never ovulate on BC...
It is *possible* to ovulate on BC, hence the failure rate (it's small, but it's there) but I'd be surprised if you ovulated 3 times in a year if you take your BC so regularly.
Maybe you could call your dr and ask? S/he might be able to tell you if it's worth an appointment to come in. I'm surprised she didn't address this issue when it first happened, if you were on BC.
Your sonogram didn't show any other cysts still on your ovaries, did it?
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
She made it like it was ok that I was creating an egg. I dont know, maybe I heard her wrong or maybe I didn't listen. She made it seem so frivilous like oh thats very common.
The sonogram was clear bc I was only able to get an appt 3 weeks after complaining of the pain. In that time, it had passed and everything looked fine.
You might ovulate when you're on the pill, but the pill works in a couple of different ways. If it doesn't prevent you from ovulating (and this is supposed to be pretty rare), it should prevent implantation of the egg (and pregnancy will not occur). Thus, any egg that is fertilized should get flushed from your body.
I think that taking the pill continuously (no placebo week) should make it even more effective in preventing ovulation.
The cyst isn't actually the egg- it's a problem with the sac that the egg was in on the ovaries. If the egg doesn't get released or if the sac closes back up after (it's supposed to dissolve) it can fill with fluid, hence the cyst. http://women.webmd.com/tc/functional-ovarian-cysts-topic-overview
I would be highly suspect of a diagnosis of functional ovarian cysts when you've been on birth control for three years. The only real idea I can come up with is your new BC is throwing your body out of whack, but still...you shouldn't be having these cysts without ovulation. If you didn't have any problems until switching to the OrthoCyclen I would suspect the hormones in that pill aren't quite right with your body. What were you on before? Was it the same hormone level/type?
Since your old doctor won't take your insurance, you need to find a new doctor that will. I know that's a pain in the ass but doctors are good people to have around. If you are truly having cysts while on BC, then somethings not quite right with the pill or your body or the hormone levels and it needs to be checked out. Besides...I'm a little confused how your old doctor diagnosed the cyst without seeing it on a sonogram- lots of things could have been causing that pain.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
I was on BC for about 10 years and I have also had cyst problems. I had to go to the ER once b/c the pain was so bad.
I read that it is possible to ovulate while on BCP and develop functional cysts, usually if you are on a progestin only pill. If you take a combination pill (with both progestin & estrogen), it should correct the problem and keep you from ovulating.
This is interesting: "According to a report in the August issue of Obstetrics and Gynecology , the new generation of low-dose oral contraceptives don't have the same ability to cut the risk of functional ovarian cysts as did the older, high-dose pills of the past" (Excerpt from HealthDay).