I have recently been excreting...well, it looks like breast milk but probably isn't because I'm not pregnant. I must say this worries me. I am planning on going to the doctors but I figured I would find out if this has ever happened to any of you girls or if anyone has any idea as to what may be going on. For the record no "massaging" of the breasts has been going on lately (I know sometimes that can stimulate excretions). Any ideas?
It's from both. I have been on several medications(that have been changed around) for about a year now. I thought perhaps that's what it was but none of them have that listed as a side effect.
Anything that messes with your hormones could theoretically cause such and effect (some sleeping meds, antidepressants, BCP, etc) but it's definitely not a run of the mill sort of thing.
I'd get into your doctor as soon as possible, and make sure you have a list of your meds and the stop/start dates if they're fairly recent.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}