I'm NOT suppose to be shopping, but I did a little today and yesterday.... LOL I would post pics., but the digi cam batteries are dead/low...
From Rainbow yesterday: *White lace neck cami' (for $6.99)
From Ross and Rainbow today: *S/L choc. brown twisted bust KL dress (from Ross, on sale for $6.99), (and from another Rainbow) *choc brown & white horiz. stripe lace neck cami', silver hoop earrings
That's all. :)
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
A pendant on long gold chain from Fred Segal sale. I looked in my jewelry drawer and now I realize I'm a sucker for heart-shaped jewelry.
Got a pedicure because my feet were mangled during the move. I may have been hauling boxes into my new place wearing flip flops.
I decided to get blue toes for fall (OPI DS Fantasy) and I LOVE them. It will last a good month or so. I don't think I've used bright blue polish since I was in my semi-goth/punkish phase in HS.
Bliss spa haul to replenish beauty products. A lot of it was either heavily discounted or free.