I'm probably going to delete this, but im feeling really lost and alone...really alone, so if anyone can relate to how I am feeling, please let me know.
I've struggled with depression for about six years now, however it has never been as bad as it is now. I am so angry, unmotivated and sick of life. I don't know if i can even make it through this semster. I'm having such a hard time focusing in class. I don't see the point in anything. I know a lot of the pain i am feeling is coming from a traumatic event from last year that I'm struggling to get over. I have serious trust issues with human beings in general as a result. It has resulting in me wondering if human beings really are "good". I know I'm going in 10 different directions right now, sorry.
I'm on cymbalta, but im wondering if im taking enough. i just dont know anymore.
Carrie Bradshaw: The fact is, sometimes it's really hard to walk in a single woman's shoes. That's why we need really special ones now and then to make the walk a little more fun.
I don't have any great advice to offer, but I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry that you're going through this and that I know you'll be able to find a way out and into better days. I know that you already know this, but don't hesitate to contact the counseling services and/or women's center at your university in order to find someone else to talk to, a support group to join or to discuss different prescription options.
I don't really have any advice either, but want you to know I'm here to listen if you just need to get anything out. Theres lots of us here that can help with that. Hang in there. There are certainly lots of people in the world that seem to be "bad," but many of them have also been wronged and don't know how to deal with it. By far though, I think there are many more people with good hearts.
Go see your doctor, ASAP. Depression is a real illness, and treatable. Obviously the meds your on are no longer working well for you and you should be talking to your doctor about different options in regards to treating your illness. (differnt meds, counseling, support groups etc )
Las word of advice , confide in a person what your going through who is responsible and will make sure to have your well being and best interest at heart. That way on days when you feel lost or alone, you know that someone else is looking out for you and can step in to take you to the doctor if need be.
Dont ignore depression or try to deal with it alone , with the right help your going to be fine!
I can totally relate. When I went to a therapist last year, he asked me what took me so long to seek therapy bc it seemed like I had been suffering from depression for at least 10 yrs.
Def go to the dr. and change meds or seek alternative counseling. Def talk to people, don't be too proud or ashamed to tell someone "hey im hurting" Dont be afraid to fail a semester or take off. its not the end of the world, its only grades and your life is more important.
Make sure you are eating and getting enough sleep. Sleep deprivation is very much linked to depression. In my opinion there are good and bad people, its just the hurt that stays resonates so much longer than a nice day in the park or a laugh you shared with a friend. Good luck and hang in there..
First off all I want to tell you how brave you are to speak up about depression. I've suffered from depression for nearly 20 years. It had alot to do with my addiction problems as a youth. I go on and off meds but when I am taking something I have much mroe control over my emotions/feelings. From what you are saying your prescription is either wrong or not enough. Call your Dr immediately and tell him/her exactly what you are feeling. Your medication should make you feel better and it doesn't seem to be doing that. Once your meds are settled I recommend therapy as well if you are not already to work through your tramatic event. If you need to talk please IM me. I know how you feel, I've been there many times before and dug mysef out with the help of wonderful Dr and support from friends. Never be afraid to ask for help. You're not alone and just from reading your posts and what I do know about you. I know this life yet and still holds so much wonderment for you.
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
I agree with all the women! Don't ignore it! I've suffered from depression for the past few years and just finally came off my antidepressants a couple of weeks ago after 6 years. I didn't think I'd get through it, but I did and you can too. You must seek help and don't take it lightly. You also should talk to your doctor about switching medications; it doesn't seem to be working for you but there are meds that will work for you. Don't give up and keep your head up. You are a strong individual and you can get through it!
Everyone else has given you such great advice that I just wanted to add to that you are not alone. You are taking the right steps now by saying that something is wrong and I would go to see your doctor asap so that he can help you feel more yourself soon.
Everyone else has given you such great advice that I just wanted to add to that you are not alone. You are taking the right steps now by saying that something is wrong and I would go to see your doctor asap so that he can help you feel more yourself soon.
I agree. I have struggled with anxiety/ocd/depression for years. I am so sorry you are dealing with this!
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
Everyone else has given you such great advice that I just wanted to add to that you are not alone. You are taking the right steps now by saying that something is wrong and I would go to see your doctor asap so that he can help you feel more yourself soon.
I agree. I have struggled with anxiety/ocd/depression for years. I am so sorry you are dealing with this!
Same here. I had taken Zoloft for 10 years and it just quit working about two years ago. My doctor tried adjusting it for about a year and he finally just changed my medicine. I would definitely see your doctor and I am thinking about you.
Some people collect stamps and coins--I collect shoes.
Thanks everyone, knowing I'm not alone and that people are keeping me in their thoughts helps a lot. I scheduled an appointment with my psychiatrist, so that is light at the end of the tunnel at least. Thanks again for the support (((xoxo)))
Carrie Bradshaw: The fact is, sometimes it's really hard to walk in a single woman's shoes. That's why we need really special ones now and then to make the walk a little more fun.
Another person in agreement with the wonderful advice from the ladies! I am on Fluoxetine (Prozac). I went off of it cold turkey about two years ago and was a huge mess...I feel your pain. You are not alone!!! I'm glad to see you are also seeing a psychiatrist; that also helped me in college. It was during a time when I didn't feel that anyone was there for me or could understand me, and my psychiatrist was wonderful. You're also in my thoughts!