I was talking with a lady yesterday and I don't even know how it came about, but she mentioned something like "I talk to my daughter all the time, at least once a week."
I thought to myself that once a week isn't all the time. I talk to my mom by phone EVERYDAY, sometimes more than once. And that isn't including the emails we send back and forth.
I recognize that this is probably excessive, but I was wondering about other mother-daughter relationships. Now, my husband talks to his mom about once every two months by phone...totally opposite.
I'm just like you - I talked to my mom once a day usually, and we email back and forth on top of the phone calls. We're really close and she worries about me a lot
I talk to her every day. We live like two seconds apart, and I pass my parents' house between work and home, so a couple nights a week I stop to eat dinner with them (since I live alone). I talk to her at least every day, if only to tell her that I am or am not coming to dinner. When we lived in different cities, I talked to her probably 2 out of every 3 days. But sometimes multiple times a day.
Can I make an addendum to this post? I'm wondering how often everyone talks to their dads, too? My dad is not big on phone talking AT ALL, so when we lived in different cities I probably talked to him like once every two weeks, and then only for about 5 minutes. Now, I talk to him every day just because we work at the same place.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I used to talk to her a lot when I was in college and living on my own. I talk to her maybe once every 2 weeks on the phone. We email more frequently. I don't enjoy talking on the phone in general; and my mom wishes we talked more. What can ya do. BTW: We live 600 miles apart and I'm 32-years-old.
I talk to my mom several times a week (email almost daily) and we have a standing date to talk on the phone every sunday. We live about 4 hrs apart. I'm pretty close with my mom as well. I also extremely close with my dad and we talk every sunday as well, but generally once or twice throughout the week.
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
I talk to my mom at least 4-5 times a week and we see each other at least 1-2x a week. I also talk to my dad that often as well. I am really close to my parents now that I am older, however our relationship wasnt as good when I was younger.
I honestly cant imagine not talking to my entire family (lil sisters too) at least several times a week!!
Well, I thought my answer was "a lot" but compared to some who have already posted, it isn't. She lives only 15 minutes away, but in L.A. standards that can be prohibitive.
When we talk on the phone, it can be a marathon - 45 minutes and up - but we go through phases where we talk once a week or once every ten days, and then not at all for three weeks. I tend to call her more than vice-versa when I haven't heard from her in a while.
But I'm busy, and she's busy, and summers she tends to go on a lot of short midweek trips since her BF works weekends a lot. So sometimes I don't even know that she's been out of town twice since I talked to her last. We send short newsy emails but that's about it electronically.
Sometimes I avoid calling her because she's needy and the conversations are very one-sided, with her talking about herself and me saying "mm-hmm...yeah...that's crazy...you said that to her?..." and so on. My favorite was when I called her to tell her we'd set a wedding date. I barely got the news out and she immediately launched right into what happened to HER that day. (!) If I point out this behavior, she gets snitty and says, "oh, I'm sorry, I thought we were having a conversation, I didn't realize it was just about you talking and me listening."
Oh, and I haven't talked to my dad in ten years or so, and only two or three times over the last, what, 15 years maybe? I clipped him out of my life for good reason. He and my brother have a relationship still so if I need to know something he tells me.
I haven't talked to my mother in over three years. She was/is a very toxic individual and I had no choice. She disapproved of all my life choices and frequently told me I was fat and ugly. I just didn't need that negativity.
I talk to my father about once a week or two. Part of it is the time zone difference (he's in PA, I'm in CA) but he's not a big phone person. It's enough to keep us both updated on each other's lives.
probably 1x/week or 1x/every other week. a lot of it is b/c of the 5 hour time zone difference (i'm in Minnesota and she's in Hawaii) so that hinders our ability to "connect" @ the right times. plus she just retired a few months ago and is really enjoying her free time, so catching her isn't always easy.
Usually a few times a week. We live nearby and work in the same school district, so that helps.
My stepmom and dad live about an hour away, and I talk to my stepmom about 2x/week. My dad hates talking on the phone, but we email at least once a week and sometimes I call & make him talk to me.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
I also talk to my mom more than once a day and usually text message, too. We email sometimes, but I'm not usually online when she's at work (2nd shift), so it's mostly phone calls. I only see her about once a month or once every two months, though, because our schedules just don't coordinate that often.
On a side note, SO thinks that it's so bizarre that I talk to my mom that frequently.
not nearly enough. Maybe once a month? A little more? We're both really busy and our schedules don't mesh well... I have really young siblings and she's always carting them off to practices and classes and whatnot. Unfortunately she doesn't do email at all either.
I talk to my mom probably every other day by phone. In the summer, when my parents are on this coast, I see them both probably at least twice a month, but in the winter when they're on the west coast, I see my parents about every two months.
During the week, probably every day or every other day. We don't usually talk during the weekends unless something special is going on. So I'd say 3-5 times a week. We email every once in awhile but it's usually about scheduling family bdays or passing on an interesting news article, etc.
I used to only talk to her when I had to (when I was in college and law school). I'm not completely open with her about my whole life - she's very nosy - but she knows pretty much everything that's going on with me. I get very jealous if she's out shopping without me. It seems unnatural.
I talk to my dad about once a week. Sometimes we have marathon conversations if he's in the mood and if I have time but mainly we communicate through my mom (tell him I said blah blah blah, tell her I said blah blah blah). My dad and I are pretty close but he's not a telephone kind of guy. When we visit each other we have gargantuan talks about the world. He's smart about stuff like that. : )
I talk to my parents probably around once a week or once every two weeks - more frequently if I need information about something, but then I usually call my Dad. I'm not really close with either of them, though I'm in college so I guess it's not uncommon.