My sister emery ordered that bag, and honestly for the price I think everyone thought it wasn't worth it, especially since its not leather. My sister returned it right when she got it, she said it was really big IRL too. I think you could wear it year round, and as far as how long it will stay in style...its Gucci it better stay in style for a while! However you might find other bags that have more of a classic style that will look great for longer. But hey, if you love it, think you would regret not buying it, and have the $$ go for it!
the metallic plus the large logo seems like it could become dated sooner.
i wouldn't spend $1400 on it (maybe $700 max if you really really love it). i think there are more classic designer bags that are more worth the price.
I'm not big on logo bags to begin with; and I think this one will become tired faster than other, more tradional logo bags. I do like the fact that this bag provides a fresher look. I think the color can be wintery and summery but the all-fabric-ness makes it seem more warm-weather to me.
Carrie Bradshaw: The fact is, sometimes it's really hard to walk in a single woman's shoes. That's why we need really special ones now and then to make the walk a little more fun.
I tried on the plain brown leather one, it was too big for me. I actually like the shape, but always opt for classic colors when buying something that expensive, better chance that you'd get your moneys worth over time. There was a black one that is shiney and not leather which may be what Cali is thinking of.
I'm not big on logo bags to begin with; and I think this one will become tired faster than other, more tradional logo bags. I do like the fact that this bag provides a fresher look. I think the color can be wintery and summery but the all-fabric-ness makes it seem more warm-weather to me.
I think it's very pretty. As long as you're willing to drop some big bucks on a metallic bag (who knows how long the trend will last) then you're fine. I think you could get a least a year's worth of wear out of it, and I think it's fine for year-round.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
Oh - I really like it. That said, if you don't think it would be your go to bag for a few years, it might not be worth it. I do love the shape - maybe you'd like it more in black or brown?