I had originally posted this in Toasts & Roasts...oops. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Anyone get LASIK/IntraLASIK or know someone who has? Experiences?
Escrime: Thank you for your contribution so far:
I had the IntraLasik done about 3 years ago. I am still at 20/10 in both eyes. I highly recommend it, and I hate to sound like an infomercial, but it really did change my life.
I had LASIK done about 1 1/2 years ago and I have been more than pleased with the results. I am a 20/15 in both eyes now. I went to the best doctor in town and I think I paid $4500 to have it done, but it was so worth it.
I had Lasik done in 2002. I had horrible nearsighted vision before, so it was life changing for me.
I had it done fairly cheap based on some contest I won, I had it done at a very popular location too.
I remember being annoyed that the assistants described that I would be feeling some "dry eye" immediately afterward. Quite the understatement. My eyes felt like they were being sandpapered in the recovery time. And the half Vicodin they provided didn't help enough. Um, I have heard that not everyone felt like the dry eye was as severe, so maybe it had to do with how severe my previous vision was....like it was a deeper cut?
Once recovered though, I was so happy with the results. I did have a bit of the halo effect for a while, it lasted over a year and made night driving a little nerve wrecking.
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld
I got Laski about 10 years ago (when it was just starting to be advertised). I couldn't be more pleased! I have a lot of protein buildup and dry eyes and allergies, which made wearing my contacts all day unbearbale. I still have dry eyes and allergies so I depend heavily on my eye drops but I was just checked again last year and still 20/20. I know there have been vast improvements since I got it done. My mom and sister have also had Lasik. One of the most life-altering decisions I've made and I LOVE it!
for those of you that have done it, whats the process like? can you see them while they do it? It is painful or hard not to blink? I'm interested in it too, but I'm soooo scared of doctors and stuff like that!
It was about 10 seconds. They have something (that you barely even feel) that holds your eyes open so you don't blink. It was over so fast I thought "that's it?" But yup - that was it.
I have not had Lasik done, but my dad did, and unfortunately he was one of the rare few that had complications. To this day (he had this done several years ago) he says he feels like there is something in one of his eyes. The complication cannot be resolved so he just has to live with it. It is a daily annoyance that he cannot get away from.
I know the complications are extremely rare, but realize that they can and do happen and can also be "life changing," but in a totally different way than everyone else here has experienced.
Not trying to scare you or anyone considering the procedure, just want to remind those interested in Lasik that you must research the possible complications and weigh those complications against your desire to have this procedure.
I opted to not do Lasik because I just don't want to risk my eyes, no matter how small the risk.
My boyfriend had it done about 1.5 years ago and swears it was the best thing he's ever done for himself. Before it, he wore contacts, and had constant problems w/dry eyes, etc. He said the whole procedure was over before he knew it. Recovering was pretty smooth too - he did have a period where his eyes were pretty dry after surgery, but he got some extra drops and was fine. Now he's got 20/15 (better than perfect) vision!