Besides crying, what are some causes for puffy eyes? This is the second morning I've woken up with puffy eyes....I've gotten enough sleep, haven't done anything differently.
When my alergies act up my eyes get puffy. I find sleeping on two pillows helps so the fluid doesn't settle. Also for a quicker fix a cold eye mask usually does the trick.
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
I 2nd the allergies thing. If my allergies are bad, my eyes are always puffy in the morning. Try St. Ives Cucumber eye and face gel. It does pretty well at getting some of the puffiness to go down. Or you could try a cold spoon. That works too.
Your diet really effects the area around your eyes too. If you've been eating a lot of salty foods, that can make you retain water (especially around your eyes) Try sleeping on your back also...I find that when I sleep on my belly, my face gets smooshed and my eyes are affected immediately
Sounds kinda wierd but when my down pillows started to get old my eyes were always puffy. I switched my pillows and they were immediately better. It took me months to figure it out, so I thought I would throw it out there.