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Post Info TOPIC: Perm?

Kate Spade

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I realize the word "perm" is scary. I was wondering  if anyone has had a perm recently. I'm sure perms have come a long way since the last time I had one at the age of 14, but I don't know. I curl my hair every day with a curling iron, and I'm really getting tired of doing that. It takes FOREVER. I thought about getting a perm, but that kinda freaks me out. At the same time, I like my hair better curly. Anyone, have any tips or suggestions about getting a perm? 

I'd like to get something similar to Kate Hundson's hair:



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I have a perm right now. I had it done a couple of years ago and loved it, but got it cut off for locks of love and it just got long enough to do again.
My hair looks a lot like those pictures. I think the curls are a little smaller, but the effect is pretty much the same. I would ONLY do it if you have a stylist who knows your hair very well. Mine has been doing my hair for at least 10 years. I have a friend who tried to get hers done after seeing mine and it did not work at all. Hers was kinky and crunchy.
My stylist rolled my hair on two different size rods and had to use three perm solution kits (I have a lot of hair). Then when she took out the rods, we didn't touch it--just let it dry in ringlets. It looks kind of scary curly at first but it loosens up after you wash it a few times.
I love it and recommend it if you have a stylist you trust!

Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly. -Epictetus

Kate Spade

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ejc423 wrote:

I have a perm right now. I had it done a couple of years ago and loved it, but got it cut off for locks of love and it just got long enough to do again.
My hair looks a lot like those pictures. I think the curls are a little smaller, but the effect is pretty much the same. I would ONLY do it if you have a stylist who knows your hair very well. Mine has been doing my hair for at least 10 years. I have a friend who tried to get hers done after seeing mine and it did not work at all. Hers was kinky and crunchy.
My stylist rolled my hair on two different size rods and had to use three perm solution kits (I have a lot of hair). Then when she took out the rods, we didn't touch it--just let it dry in ringlets. It looks kind of scary curly at first but it loosens up after you wash it a few times.
I love it and recommend it if you have a stylist you trust!

Thanks for the feedback! I do have a stylist I trust, and who I've been going to for about 6 or 7 years now! I will ask her about it, and see what she says.



Dooney & Bourke

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You could also do a body wave, which is essentially larger curls. I have never done either though. I'm sure if you work with your stylist who you have been gonig to for a while she/he can come up with a solution to give you the type of curls you want.


Kenneth Cole

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i've been getting a "perm" for at least 8 years now. my salon likes to call it "texture fusion" but really - it's a perm. my stylist uses two different rods in my hair and i personally LOVE it when the curl dies down a bit (i think you'd get the kate hudson look right away). you need make sure that your stylist also knows that you want more of a curl/wave than ringlets (which is what i'm assuming you want). i usually get it done once every 18-20 months. i'll never ever go back to pin straight hair again.


Kate Spade

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Thanks ladies! I'm going to think about it some more before I make a decision.

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