Now I am obsessed with this sale. Question about 2 bags - Ana and Mercer Clutch. The pictures on the models don't look true to scale - the bags seem too big. Or am I wrong? I am wondering if the Mercer can be easily carried on the shoulder using the provided strap, and, how big the Ana is. I got out a tape measure and everything but am still having trouble picturing these. IRL pics or advice would be greatly appreciated! FYI, I just am not a "big bag" person. I prefer to carry a medium size bag on my shoulder. The Mercer Clutch on the model looks perfect, but it's called a clutch...aren't those supposed to be hand-held, really small?
I don't know much about the Mercer..but I own an Ana...and I'd say it's a medium largish bag. It you prefer smaller bags it *may* not be the one for you.
I just bought the Anna in the brown tweed... whenit arrived,it was smaller than i expected, but I love is about definitelylooked bigger in thepictures on teh site
The Ana looks a lot bigger on site. When it hangs on my shoulder it hits my hip. But full or not, it keeps its shape very well, so it doesn't look dumb either way.
I get a lot of compliments on my cobalt Ana that I have.
Does anyone know if the Louvre bags have been on the sale block?
Yeh, the Mercer clutch isn't really a clutch. It's big enough that I use it as my everyday bag and fill it with tons of lipgloss, my phone, pens, gum, wallet, pills, tanning lotion, whatever.... I think it's the perfect "small" bag.
And here's the Ana...
It's a little flat because it's empty but it doesnt really bulge out that much anyway. It's very comfortable to carry and it doesn't feel like a "big" bag at all. I'm five feet nothing, btw.
Anyway, hope that helps a bit! Please excuse the wrinkled dress (long day at work), the boxes (I just moved), and the chubby arms (I love cheeseburgers.) Holler if you need anything else! :)
... stick 'em down your shirt and make your boobs look bigger!
Rica, thank you so much for your helpful helps so much to see the IRL pics relative to someone...and btw...i love cheeseburgers too....and french fries!