Backstory: I have been on the constant hunt forever now, for the perfect new tan flats for me. I can't find anything, mostly due to my tiny ass size 5 feet. Trust me, I've looked everywhere too, like Zappos, Piperlime, all sorts of specific shoes stores, etc. I'm picky about the tan color itself (I want it more of a caramel color) and the shape (do not want a plain ballet flat, I want more of a rounded-pointy toe or an almond shaped toe). Price also seems to be an issue, since a lot of ones I do really like end up being in the $200 + category which I just can't do.
SO, BR has these, which fit my shape, color and size requirements. Normally I wouldn't have thought of a buckle, but I don't mind it at all on these shoes. Price is $108 which is still a bit steep for me, but I'm going to hold out for another code (missed a $20 off one by a few days *Sigh*) or them going on sale.