Me, my husband, and our dog are totally covered in chigger bites. I'm itching like crazy and nothing really seems to help. I've got at least 150-200 bites. The bites are all over my stomach and back and I really feel like I'm going crazy from all this itching. Any medicine recommendations? I've tried cortizone cream, benadryl, benadryl spray, and calamine lotion (works the best so far).
First try not to scratch them,as that could causethe bites to get infected. If I remember right there isn't much you can do for the itching,the skin just has to heal. One thing I would suggest trying is soaking in a tub of Aveeno,or an oatmeal product like that.
I'll ask my BF if there is anything else you can use for chigger bites. (He is an entomologist.)
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Itchy Insect Bites: Bites of mosquitoes, chiggers (harvest mites), fleas, and red bugs usually cause itchy, red bumps. Apply baking soda paste. For itch that is persisting, 1% hydrocortisone ointment (OTC) may be applied 3-4 times a day / an oral antihistamine may also help (see dosage guidelines). If that is not helpful you may want to contact your physician for a prescription anti-itch cream.
Curve: The loveliest distance between two points. ~Mae West
Thanks girls! I did the oatmeal bath last night and tonight I'll try the baking soda bath. Boy do these suckers itch, I'm trying my hardest no to scratch.
Clorox everytime...put some on an old wash cloth and then on your bites...takes the itch right out...I'm sure it's not great for your skin, but it sure beats itching like crazy....
It's pronounced "Johnny," like the boys name....but spelled like an Indian Zuchini.