So... I've had blood in my pee for the last week or so. Just a drop or two - a very very tiny amount. I would think this is a sign of a UTI but it doesn't hurt at all when I go and has been on and off (but at least a couple of times a day) - has anyone ever had this? I know I need to go to the doctor but because of my schedule I just can't get there for a couple more days - unless you guys think this is some sort of emergency. Anyone ever had this happen to them?
It's probably just a UTI but even if it is- those aren't anything to fool with at all. Blood in urine at any time is a warning sign. A pretty troubling warning sign, especially if it's been a week. I honestly think you need to make the time in your schedule to see your doctor or go to the ER. Do you have a primary care or Ob/Gyn you can call? They can probably make room in thier schedule to fit you in, but only if you call. Good luck!
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
A UTI is the only thing I can think of, too. I wouldn't go to an ER if you're not having any other symptoms, but I would definitely schedule an appointment with your PCP ASAP. Enough acronyms for you?
I agree that you should call your physician immediately and see what they say -- I wouldn't wait any longer before making that call. (It's probably just a UTI, but they can become extremely painful very quickly if you don't watch out.)
Are you absolutely sure it's in your urine? Usually blood in urine just makes it a bit peachy/pink in color, as opposed to coming separately in drops .... could you possibly just be spotting?
Call the docs office - you'll probably be able to request just coming in to leave a sample, and then if it is a UTI they should be able to call in some antibiotics for you. Let them know your schedule is tight - they usually don't make people with UTIs wait a week for an appt!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
You can actually buy a UTI test at most drugstores. It kind of like a prego test and tells you if your postive for it. Seems like an easy way for you to detemine if that is what it is, And if it isnt then I would be going to the doctor.