I've been thinking about getting them for a few years now, I want to do my 2 front teeth, my old dentist suggested I do 4 teeth so they would look perfect. I was wondering who has them and how much they were. I'm getting my teeth cleaned and having them whitened in the upcoming weeks and I want to get the veneers afterwards.
I don't have them, but I know people who do and are happy with them. My good friend is a dentist, though, and he doesn't like them. He says they only last 10 years and every time you have to have them redone, they have to file your teeth down more and more. I think where it really bothers him is when teenagers want them.
Also, I once saw a picture of Ben Affleck where he had lost a veneer. He had this brown tooth nub. It made me think of those Menards commercials for the shower fitters that go over the moldy old showers.
My husband and a close friend both got them. (Husband in his forties) LOVES THEM. The process of getting them is a pain since they do file your teeth down and give you temporary ones for three weeks that look pretty bad; and chip and stain easily. His teeth are gorgeous now though - worth every penny, and the inconvienence!
I love mine. I don't know about filing teeth and all that because I broke my two front teeth when I was younger and have had fake fronts ever since. I got the fancy veneers (as opposed to the not-so fancy ones I got when I was 8) 4 years ago. It's a good thing you're getting your teeth whitened. I don't think I'll ever have to whiten again because the front two are so pretty and perfect, that you hardly notice if the others are just slightly different. If you have decent teeth, I'd just get the front two. No one knows mine are veneers and are quite surprised when I tell them. They look great but without that Hillary Duff "I'm going to eat your head" look that comes with too many veneers.
I can't remember how much they were, since my mom paid for them as part of my graduation gift. And insurance covered a tiny bit of mine, since they weren't just cosmetic.
Oh and the temporary teeth they put on blow big time. I hate those. Mine turned green. Ugh! I have a whole period of time in my life where every picture I'm in has a close lipped smile.
But as for getting them put in, there's no pain involved or anything like that. The only thing that hurts is the very first needle for the very first bit of novocain (sp?). And that goes away as soon as the drug hits. Nothing else hurts at all. You'll be fine as soon as the numbness wears off.
I have them . The process was a pain in the butt, but IMO they're worth it. I have them on my top-front 5 teeth and haven't had any problems with them in the 6 years I've had them. They can last much longer than 10 years - it depends on the quality of the workmanship and how careful you are with them. My dentist said that if I wasn't biting through carrots with them, opening things with them, or getting punched in the mouth they'd last alot longer than that.
I got them when I was a teenager instead of braces - I'd have needed 2 years in braces, an implant to replace a tooth that's missing, and then veneers too. I opted for just the veneers - cheaper, and I don't mind that all my teeth aren't 'perfect'.
Mine cost $450 per tooth, IIRC. If you do go through with it, do whatever you can to get your dentist to give you a little tube of the glue they use with the temps and a little lesson on how to apply it - I think I was at the dentist nearly every other day while I had my temps because they kept popping off .
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
If your teeth are beyond whiteing and totally unfixable, then yes veeners are probably a good idea for you.
My BIL and my Dad both have had them done, and I seriously think it takes YEARS off there appearence. Good teeth can really "complete" your overall look, as well as raise your confidence. (you smile more etc. )
Now if only I had the money so my DH could get them done!!
Carrie Bradshaw: The fact is, sometimes it's really hard to walk in a single woman's shoes. That's why we need really special ones now and then to make the walk a little more fun.
I have porcelein veneers on my top teeth, as well as a bridge.
I did it for cosmetic reasons in July, and had been wanting veneers for about ten years.
I regret getting them. Unfortunately, I am one of the cases where things went wrong. My teeth look great for the most part although I am sure they could look better (maybe they are a teeny big?). The real problem is that so far three veneers have come off: my front tooth split right down the middle after using my teeth to rip a piece of tape, another veneer popped off completely after biting into a whole wheat pizza crust (hard), and the last not only popped off, but I swallowed it after biting into a soft sandwich. My dentist has been great about taking care of each incident. In the last case he happened to be in his office after hours (around 8 pm) and had me come in immediately that night to put in a temp. However, each temp is a pain, I HATE novacaine and all the drilling and what not that has become a routine part of my life since this nightmare began in July, and every time he puts in another perminent I get this battery/acid taste in my mouth for like a week.
Plus, now I have nightmares about my teeth coming out on at least a weekly basis, and I am super paranoid when I eat now, constantly feeling my teeth with my toungue before I swallow because of the fear of losing another tooth and having to look like a crackhead missing my tooth.
And, what if I lost a tooth on vacation or out of state or at a big event? I know it would be devastating to me. You should consider the risk of a tooth coming out in an instance where your dentist can't help you...
I have researched veneers and found that what is happening to me is very rare. I have decided that if another veneer comes off, that I am seeking advice from a cosmetic dentist and lawyer and I will sue my doctor if he will not pay the complete costs to have the veneers completely re-done by someone else (over $10K). I have no doubt that I will win considering the circumstances.
Had I to do it again, I would have replaced my bridge and just gotten a cap on one tooth, instead of doing my entire top row (sans molars of course). At least my real teeth were completely functional if not perfect and Hollywood like. If you are going to get veneers at all make sure you choose the best cosmetic dentist you can find, don't use your family dentist. Also, be sure that he/she guarantees your satisfaction in writing. A lot of people who only get a couple temps are unhappy when they find they don't match the rest of their teeth that well. My biggest problem now with getting permanents is that my dentist constantly has to reorder new permanents because they don't match on some level (transparency, shade, fit, whatever). Color is really, really hard to match with teeth, so go with the best cosmetic dentist and get a good guarantee in writing. I thought everything would be great with my family dentist because he has several books of before and afters of veneer jobs, he charges like he's one of the best, and he had so much confidence and knowledge whenever we discussed it over the past three years.
On a final note, I would not get lumineers. When I was researching problems with porcelein veneers I kept getting page after page of people unhappy with the lumineers for a couple of reasons: they keep falling off or they look big and bulky on the teeth. Lumineers definately don't seem to be as good as porcelein veneers (and I'm saying that even after my horrible experience).