My family has a small dog who is around a few years old and a cat who is a little over a year old. The dog has been "nursing" the cat since she was a kitten. The dog likes to do this in privacy though. It's tapered off since she has been getting older, but today I caught them doing it again!I'm sure she doesn't get any doggy milk, but she still suckles away!
cahabo wrote: My family has a small dog who is around a few years old and a cat who is a little over a year old. The dog has been "nursing" the cat since she was a kitten. The dog likes to do this in privacy though. It's tapered off since she has been getting older, but today I caught them doing it again!I'm sure she doesn't get any doggy milk, but she still suckles away!
Thats crazy! :) silly animals ...
I have 3 cats and a dog. One cat with "roll over" on comand. (we didnt teach her this , I swear!)
My oldest cat wakes us up every morning by meowing really loudly from our master bath. She will sit by the sink until we get up and turn on the faucet for her to drink out of.
My youngest cat plays fetch and will actually retrive items on command.
My dog , well she is just crazy. she will sleep on her belly every morning until you rub it then as soon as you do she sneezes on you.
Every single morning I get up and say, "is it treat time for my little guys?" and my two guinea pigs start squeeling like crazing and jumping up and down in excitement. Then, I give them each a carrot and they run under their little shelter and start purring while they eat it.
I know my baby does some crazy things, but I actually can't think of any right now! I'm an awful doggy mama.
But my aunt's dogs crack me up. One will fall asleep on his back with all four legs sticking straight up in the air. I don't know how he balances or why he does it! And he's a big guy, so he can be quite an obstacle. But I never want to wake him up to move him, because it's so funny! And her old doggy used to get really excited when you'd pull up in the driveway. She'd pick out a leaf and give it to you as a "present." And if you'd blow her with a hair dryer on her hind legs, she'd dance around on them kind of hopping back and forth.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I have a dog and 2 cats. One of my cats cleans the dog between her eyes and her ears. My dog will actually wake the cat up to get her face cleaned. My dog will also pull a "Lassie" and lure me into the kitchen to give her a treat, If I dont get up she will start to talk to me and pace around until I get her a treat. My other cat and dog hate each other and the cat hides and snipers the dog. They now will walk in wide circles if they need to pass each other.
One thing my dog does is use his paws like hands. I've seen him grip on to things like the metal crate door with his paw and pull them open. He also body slams me in the morning when he wants me to get up. He is only 22 lbs, so he slams his body into my face and digs his little dog elbow things (for lack of a better word) into me. It kills! I think he knows it hurts and that's why he does it.
With Cheese he does alot of strange things He sleeps on his back for one, all four legs spread out, his front paws above his head like he's flying. He also chases his tail all the time and then walks around with hunks of hair in his teeth that he pulled off his tail. He stands on my window sills to look out the window and barks at people 9 stories down on the street. When Cheese wants me to get up in the morning he'll just straddle me and stand over me staring until I wake up
My cats are odd. Natasha will start cleaning Boris until he gets mad and then turns around and pounces on her scaring the crap out of her. Natasha, i swear to god she talks. She screams MAMA when she can't find me and I have to call her name and she'll come running She also plays fetch and will fetch and retreive over and over again Natasha sniffs my eyeballs when I'm sleeping and Boris has on more than one occasion stuck his head in DH's mouth when he's snoring. He's also stuck his paw in his mouth trying to find where the noise is coming from.
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
Vivy hides her food...everywhere. Kari kept her for me one weekend about a year and a half ago...when she moved out of her house two months ago she was still finding vivy's food!
She also sits on her bottom...her back legs will be out in front of her and she just sits there like a little person...
And she loves to chew her toys on top of my shoes. She never chews my shoes, she just likes to put her toys on top of my shoes and lay there and chew them...
It's pronounced "Johnny," like the boys name....but spelled like an Indian Zuchini.
i have a 3 yr old yorkie poo and he likes to sit on people (awkwardly). if you're lying on the floor, he'll just walk around and sit on your head, but not really sit, (kinda looks like hes pooing). or if you're playing with him, he would be jumping around and then all of a sudden stop and sit on someones foot. its just awkward....
Haha I love silly pets. Collette my dog Gucci does the same thing when she hears weird noises coming from our mouths. She stares at your mouth and then starts moving toward it trying to lick it. She also likes to put her butt in boy dogs faces. Its her "booty call".
Barkley is crazy. If I tell him to go to sleep sleep, no matter what he is currently doing, running around, etc, he will close his eyes and go to sleep! It is really funny. He will also go to his cage and open it when we tell him, but once inside he will raise his lip at us and growl. I guess it is his way of saying I hear what you say, but I don't like it.
Also, he sleeps in our bedroom, but we had to ban the noisy toys. He had a New York Yankee bat that talked and he would make it go off for hours. Now we only let him take the rawhide toys in the room at night, so when it is time to go to bed I tell him Barkley bed time get your toy and he will run and get a rawhide and take off to bed.
He watches tv too, especially animal shows and when you tell him look at tv he will run and jump at it. One day my dad was watching horse racing and the horse went off the screen and Barkley took off running around the entertainment center trying to find it. He is really a crazy pup!!
Halley is totally neurotic, and she gets so excited when she sees another animal (dog, rabbit, bird, etc.) outside that I have to keep her away from the windows. She is surprisingly gentle with kids, though. She also never learned to bark, so she has very expressive whines and yawns. She is also smart enough to figure out that when my husband's not home, she's allowed on the couches. She never tries to get on them when he's in the house. She also loves granola bars.
Sully has a beautiful howl, and he will talk to you if you talk to him. It sounds like "rawr, rawr, rawr." We've had conversations and everything. He is terrified of most people he doesn't know, but when he does meet them, he has to press his nose against them (hard) multiple times. Unfortunately, his nose is about crotch length on most guys. He also sits with his butt (just his butt) on the couch and his feet on the floor. And he hides from Halley under our bed because she's too fat to fit under there.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
I put my dog's water and food away after a certain time at night so once in awhile she wakes me up in the night. Not to go outside but she wants a drink of water. She also brings her dish to me if it's empty. She is always finding change and bringing it to me. I have no idea where she gets it but I have to give her a treat to get it away from her. I guess in a sense she's buying treats lol. She also bugs you when she lays down for you to cover her up with a blanket. I swear she acts just like a little kid sometimes.
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."
My cat fetches too, though she gets bored with it more quickly now that she's older and more sophisticated.
She'll also carry small stuffed animals in her mouth while howling/wailing and sort of stalking around the house. I can't figure out if she's treating it like prey, or if it's a baby to her.
She likes to see cats on TV too, and we have a video of her playing when she was a kitten that she is totally fascinated by. I swear she knows it's her!
She enjoys licking my armpits. I discourage it.
Sometimes when we're eating she'll sit in a chair at the table with us. This is so unbelievably cute...just her head shows over the edge of the table. It's like she's waiting for you to put a dish in front of her.
When she's really spooked by something she will crawl inside my shirt or my husband's.