Ok I've been on BC forever and recently got off it and I work up this morning with the worst cramps of my life. Help! What are your suggestions for what to take, what to do? Heat? Aleve? Motrin? I'll do anything, I'm currently curled up in bed crying and I need to be shopping! TIA
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
Oh no! I just went off BC this week after being on it for 10 years and I'm so worried this same thing is going to happen to me. Anyway, my best friend is a doctor and she swears by Alieve for any sort of pain. I guess Alieve was a prescription med before it was sold OTC. HTH and feel better!
definitely agree on the heat. I have a microwaveable heat pad I carry around with me when I'm at home with cramps, and they also sell heat pads you can just stick to your skin. They're pretty thin and stay on, warm, all day. I love them.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
UGH! I feel your pain. Cramps get worse as you get older, I've found that out the hard way. I just went back on BC to lessen my cramps, they were SO BAD. For three days a month I would be completely out of commission. I would take Midol (regular dose, but it makes me sleepy when it starts to kick in) every 6 hours and Advil (400mg) every 6, but overlap them when my cramps got to where I couldn't move. I talked to my OBGYN about them about a year ago, and she told me to start taking Ibuprofen about 5 days before my period to build it up in my body. Thing with me is that I haven't had a regular cycle in forever, so I wasn't really sure when I'd start until right before.
Oh, and also a heating pad. My best friend when Aunt Flo comes to visit. I've wanted to try those disposable pads from the drug store, but haven't gotten around to it. It would be nice to not have to be tied to the electrical outlet for 3 days! I agree about the caffeine. STAY AWAY FROM IT! And a glass of red wine has been proven to help a lot of women.
I always had pretty bad cramps, but after I had my second son...OMG! They are soooo much worse now...AND I am allergic to almost every BC pill out there..soooo thats makes it hard. I use Advil....slap on a heating pad ( a glass if wine doesn't hurt either).....and have flashbacks to labor....
"Life is not measured by the number of breathes we take, but by the moments that take our breath away"
Thermacare makes these incredible heating pads that activate when you open up the package and the stick on your clothes, so you can go anywhere with them on. Seriously, when I have bad cramps, that's what I turn to. They're the best things ever. So use one of those, take something for the pain (Aleve, Advil, whatever) and have a glass of wine.
Here's what the heating pads look like at the store:
Oh! I have tried these, and they work pretty good! I've also taken Midol Menstral, they work good too. I was on BCs for a LONG TIME, until I got blood clots last year, and my doctor took me off of them for good. I have noticed my cramps are pretty bad, I don't know WHEN my period is coming, but they are now only 3 days, maybe 4, and that's stretching it. I use to go the full 5 days. Hmm.
NCshopper wrote: Thermacare makes these incredible heating pads that activate when you open up the package and the stick on your clothes, so you can go anywhere with them on. Seriously, when I have bad cramps, that's what I turn to. They're the best things ever. So use one of those, take something for the pain (Aleve, Advil, whatever) and have a glass of wine.
Here's what the heating pads look like at the store:
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
I have prescription Naproxen and I would die without it. I'm on the pill and while it helped with my cramps, I still get them really bad the first day. I wouldn't be able to function w/o the Naproxen. If I ever get off the pill, I'll probably need an IV of the stuff to stay sane.