Anyone know of any good websites/ blogs I can go to for diet/fitness help? I'm looking for somewhere I can keep track of my progress. I'm also looking for discussion boards, and I heard about a website similar to Myspace, where you can blog about fitness and diet and share with others. It's something like "Two Fat Chicks". Two sisters started the site. Ring a bell? Anyone know what I'm talking about?
I have seen that site - but never went through with it, can't remember why!
I use a website called where you keep track of all of your foods, it calculates the calories and nutrition, even shows you a graph of what you're consuming in a day (fats vs. protein vs. carbs). There is a section where you can enter your activities and it tells you how many calories you burned. You can also keep track of goals and make charts, etc. I kinda like it!
I enjoy dottie's website - - its a message board mainly for WW people but they are accepting of all diets and very encouraging. They have tons of recipes on the boards and they chat about all sorts of things (fashion is not one of their strong points though ). You should give them a try.
I like this website--it creates a weight loss graph, tells you how many calories you should be eating--Most of the website is free, however, you can have access to additional parts for a fee.