I have a question........everytime I wear eye liner ( pencil or liquid) my eyes look much smaller. I even tried the mac gel liner and bobbi brown cream liner, which I liked, but it still made my eyes look smaller. Is there a special way to apply this stuff?? I have brown eyes, and I would like to play them up a bit. Is there powder liners that are maybe not as pigmented?? Any advice would help :)
"Life is not measured by the number of breathes we take, but by the moments that take our breath away"
I only line the top lid w/ black liner (and even then, I'm just using black shadow w/ an angle brush and adding a little water). Then, I "line" the bottom (only the outside half) with an angle brush and a softer color (usually whatever color eyeshadow I'm wearing). I don't think a hard line of black eyeliner all across the bottom of the eye flatters anyone.
I always put my darker eyeliner on the top of my lid smudged into my lash line - not the "rim". I line the bottom "rim" with white eyeliner, and it really makes your eyes pop and look bigger.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
This used to happen to me, and it was because I was putting a heavy, defined line on the top. I learned to get the line RIGHT into the eyelashes, not above. And to smudge it. Then soften the line with a top layer of eye shadow. It helped a lot. Now I like to either dot a liquid liner along the top lid only, then blur the line with eye shadow so it's not too harsh. Or to rub the inside lower rim with a soft brown shadow, up into the corners. And top the upper lid with a shadow used wet as a liner (draw it on with a brush). But I have the stila smudge pot on teh way from Sephora this week, so I'm excited to try that...
Why don't you try a pencil formula? I think the cream/liquid liners are best when doing a "cat eye". Line your eye from the inside out (top only) and make sure you extend just a tad past your natural eye. Use a q-tip, fingertip, or smudge brush to blend the line and make it look more natural. I searched for about 45 mins to find an illustration of what I meant and this is the best I could come up with:
Thanks ladies! I think I am going to go to Sephora online and just drool over all the eyeliners until I find a lighter color I can play with. i appreciate all the advice!!!
"Life is not measured by the number of breathes we take, but by the moments that take our breath away"
Thanks ladies! I think I am going to go to Sephora online and just drool over all the eyeliners until I find a lighter color I can play with. i appreciate all the advice!!!
"Life is not measured by the number of breathes we take, but by the moments that take our breath away"