SO heres the deal.........I weighed 150 at 5'7 almost 5 years ago...when I got pregnant with my son, I went from 150 to 220 in 9 months. I lost about 30 lbs.....thats IT! I then had my second son, and only gained 25 lbs...but I was still hefty from the first bugger. So my first son is almost 5, and I am still crying myself to sleep at night. I have tried WW but they keep overcharging me, so I quit the online program....went LA Wieghtloss the other day, and they want $ YAAAAAH. Did Atkins, and lost a lot, but felt like crap, had a peice of bread and gained it all back. Has anyone lost a significant amount of weight, and care to share their ideas??? I know it is more output, less input...but hey life gets in the way sometimes. I work in the Intensive Care Unit part time, when my hubby is home. But he works 5 days ( overnight too) in the field ( missle cop), then home for 5 days ( when I am working). I am tryng to think of when the heck I will be able to work out...being that I am home with my little boys when my husband is gone. I have GOT to do something...this has to be the year I get the old me back!! If anyone wants to reply I GREATLY appreciate it. It's so hard having a size 8 mind, and a size 16 body :( Sorry to ramble's been 5 yrs of misery crammed into one post haha.
"Life is not measured by the number of breathes we take, but by the moments that take our breath away"
Can you afford a trainer? I know some are really into accountability, so they will help you to find the time and make sure your diet is also on track. My best friend has found when her hubby is working that she cannot go to the gym but she can put the kids on bikes or in strollers and animals on leashes and go for a walk/run. I know it is really hard to start the chance but it becomes a lifestyle if you keep it up. Good Luck!
You asked for our opinions, SO ... I suggest giving WW another try. I have lost 6 pounds in 4-5 weeks (I can't remember when I joined). I only want to lose 10 pounds, so I am almost there already.
WW truly is realistic about eating and does not restrict anything. I also go to the meetings. Yeah, I know ... you don't have time ... I said the same thing ... but weight loss only works when you make time for it. It is not easy.
The thing is, people who go to meetings are way more likely (I don't remember the percentage ... 80 percent?) to lose weight. The meeting is 30 minutes. I go in, get weighed and listen to people talk about how they eat right, overcome temptation to eat the wrong things/too much, whatever.
It is going to take some effort on your part. But I really think it works and there are other girls on this board who will back me up.
what if you put the money that you would put towards WW, a trainer, gym membership, etc... for the next 2-5 yrs and buy a piece of equipment? that way you can work out at home while watching your kids and you won't make excuses if the weather is bad, no sitter, etc....
this was kinda my mentality because two years gym membership paid for my elliptical, plus, i work weird hours and now i have a machine at home.
also, i notice when i work out, i inevitably eat better. i've always been more successful focusing on exercising rather than eating because if you focus on eating, you think about it all the time and therefore you want food. when you excercise, you start to become addicted to working out (at least i do). plus, i'd rather think of positive things all day (like when is my next workout) rather than negative things all day (like, darn, too bad i'm not allowed to eat chocolate). also, when you work out, you are building muscle which makes you burn fat faster.
just my two cents. good luck!
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
I've lost 28 lbs since fall. My tip is to get an ipod and a couple of good magazines and hit the treadmill or elliptical. I have 3 kids and a husband and work full-time but I get up earlier than I used to, drop the little ones off at daycare and work-out for an hour. I used to work out just 30 minutes a day but now I actually enjoy working out for an hour. I love zoning out with my favorite songs and my favorite magazines. while I work out I truly find working out fun now. Everytime I lose a pound I buy myself a few songs off itunes so it keeps my song list fresh. I also try to take a weight lifting or yoga class once a week. Basically, you have to carve out time for yourself and make sure that you enjoy what you are doing so that way you can stick with it.
As for the eating-I still struggle with this. I have been doing WW but I still give in to my cravings. It is not easy! A few things that have helped are:
Weight watcher lemon cakes-yum! Weight watchers ice cream bars Propel water and crystal light Weight watchers zero point vegetable soup Popcorn and butter spray
Thanks so much girls!!! It is refrshing to hear that I am not the only one that needs to make it a point to workout.....atleast when I am killing myself to do it, I know you guys are too ;)...thanks for all of your advice!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Life is not measured by the number of breathes we take, but by the moments that take our breath away"
Yeah, I already had hubby buy me an elliptical for after I have this baby, cause I know with baby/kids it's next to impossible to get to a gym. So find something you can do at home. I also recommend the Windsor pilates dvds, I've had great results with these in the past and plan on getting the new circle one to use as well. A few years ago I lost like 40lbs with using those two forms of exercise and cutting out white/starchy carbs. But I was sure to treat myself once a week, a life with no chocolate would be so sad. And I rewarded myself along the way with little gifts to help keep up my motivation. I think the key is consistancy, a healthy diet and a little self disipline. Good luck, we're cheering you on!
Well I did it! I just went to Nordic Track online and bought a treadmill!!!! I am so excited to be able to roll out of bed and onto this thing! Thanks for your advice and support!!
"Life is not measured by the number of breathes we take, but by the moments that take our breath away"
Congrats on buying the treadmill! I did the South Beach diet 2 years ago and lost 32 pounds. I've more or less kept it up because the basic tennants of the diet make sense, no white, starchy carbs and refined sugar and more whole grains and good carbs. I never thought that I'd lose the weight and NEVER thought that I could keep up any diet. I also started working out, I felt better (and had a great sense of accomplishment) and that made me want to eat better and work out more - such a positive cycle!
“Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did. She just did it backwards and in high heels.” Ann W. Richards
Congrats on the treadmill and the healthy attitude. I am about to "rejoin" weight watchers (I do it at home w/o joining anything) as I have 15 pounds I'd love to lose by June. I'm thinking 10 lbs will be the realistic goal with the other 5-10 coming off after then. Definetly post in the diet and exercise threads. My busy season has officially ended so I can be a little more active around here.
I have lost 100 lbs over the course of the last 4 years. I went from 220 to my current weight of 124.
I have done it by doing low carb & excersising. I am really strict with my lifestyle, and it has been the only thing that has worked for me. I will basiclly only eat the perimeter of the grocery store. Fresh veggies, fruits, meats, cheese, diary, fish. I dont eat anything boxed, processed or any form of suger.
I also make sure to get in some kind of physical activity every day. It doesnt always include the gym. I park farther away and walk into stores, I walk my dog, etc. Little things add up.
My advice would be first ONE STEP AT A TIME. Make baby goals. Your overall goal is way to overwhelming and can make you feel like a failure for being so far away from it. Set 10 lb goals , and go from there.
Change your diet. Cut out the junk/processed food/suger . Whether you are low calorie, low carb , or www, none of that stuff is even remotetly good for you, so dont eat it.
Find a budy to help motivate you. There are a ton of online support groups that are free and can help you deal with the daily struggles of weight loss.
Remember, it took you years to gain the weight so you are not going to lose it overnight. Cut yourself some slack and start with baby steps and changes in your lifestyle and before long you will see changes in your body and attitude too.
AllieGurl- what an accomplishment! Congratulations!
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
SJC, I lost twenty lbs at the rate of 1 lb. per week in the last year or so. I did it with dietary changes, specifically cutting out alcohol altogether and eating breakfast everyday (which prevented overeating later). I have also lost weight at about the same rate (1 lb. per week) by walking on an incline for 1 hr. 4-5 times per week, so I think you should see results from your treadmill purchase. Good luck and be patient :).
I agree with Alliegurl that it's important to incorporate activity into your day-to-day activities, i.e. parking further away, walking to lunch instead of driving, taking the stairs, etc.
As for me, I'm doing a non-diet my girlfriend does and she's lost over 50 pounds. There are very few rules and it's all about cutting the amount of food you actually eat, but without feeling like you're cutting down. Rule #1: drink lots of water (mix 3 tablespoons oj or other natural juice with 10 oz. water to keep your metabolism up and make the water more interesting); Rule #2: only eat when you're hungry - measure your hunger from 1 to 5 and only eat when you're at level 3; Rule #3: when you eat, eat for 10 minutes, chewing excrutiating slowly (it seems this way at first but it's really not all that slow), take a break for 5 minutes, and then eat, chewing slowly, until you're full - not stuffed but comfortable full.
It seriously cuts my intake by more than half. I lost 15 pounds at the end of last year doing it. I paused for xmas and thanksgiving (much to my chagrin and gained some back), but I started doing it again last week and already lost 3 pounds. You can eat anything you want but you end up eating so much less of it that the calorie and fat intake are seriously reduced. It's really important to have protein in your diet as well, try and make that a priority for meals.
The nordic system is definitely a great step. I also second the buddy approach. A group of girlfriends and I are always trying to get to the gym, play tennis, go for walks/runs, so it's never that hard to find someone to "play" with.
I've found that workout dvds are a godsend! I have two--Prevention Belly, Butt, and Thighs (10 minute workouts for each) and MTV Pilates Mix (2 different workouts that are each 30 min. as well as a quick workout and a mix where you can make your own). I like that I don't have to leave the house to do these and neither of them are long or need any special equipment.
Congrats too on buying the NordicTrack. I wish I had room for something like that in our house!