Bai Ling?!?!?!?! F-ing Bai Ling?!?!!? I am just disgusted! I LOVED Lost for the fact that no one is like super famous or recognizable accept Matthew Fox, who did fall off the map for a while. Then they have to throw in someone who is famous for the pure fact that we have seen her nipples and whoo-ha more then most people on earth aside from Paris Hilton??? And how nice of Lost to let her supply her own skanky nipple bearing wardrobe. I felt like I was watching Go Fug Yourself the series, this week Bai Ling. I mean, I know we were being led to believe she was a prostitute when in fact she was a... psychic tattoo artist?? So her wardrobe made that very believable, but I will just NEVER look at Jack the same way. Now he is just...dirty.
Plus, I am sick of him falling for any woman that crosses his path, First his "miracle" wife, then that Italian woman who kissed him, then Bai Ling, then Kate, and now Juliet? It's getting old.
Also, I am sick of guessing weather Kate and Sawyer really love each other or not!!
The whole time travel thing, I am just not sure what to do with that. The whole show was just tainted by Bai Lings skankiness.
I was quite disgusted with her appearance as well. I am super glad that someone else shares my complete disgust in her. I swear she is a nasty hooker in everything she is in. She also does the hibbity-dibbity with every man she is opposite of as well (on the show), e.g. see Vincent Chase in Entourage. She is so nasty.
BTW, don't forget about Jack falling for Ana Lucia in the airport. He is so easy!
"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln
I thought 3 major questions were supposed to be answered???? What were they? How would I have totally missed them?!
I hate the Jack and Juliet have a "thing" now, I don't like her at all...although I supposed she IS better than Bai least Juliet covers her crotch.
I could only think of 2 questions that were sort of answered. (1) How Jack got his tattoo and (2) what happened to the Tailies, which was only sort of answered. I really wish the writers would tie up some loose ends!
I was amused at Sawyer's nickname for Ben though. "Captain Bunny Killer"
Eewwww Bai Ling! They couldn't find a better Asian actress or what? Everything was just bad about her last night in this episode. Her hair, her skanky clothes, and her acting to say the least. My bf was equally disgusted so it's just not us girls that happen to think she's nasty.
I am still waiting for all those loose ends to be tied up. The writers keep promising to answer them week after week but then...nothing. So far I'm not really impressed with this season.
I am still waiting for all those loose ends to be tied up. The writers keep promising to answer them week after week but then...nothing. So far I'm not really impressed with this season.
Agree with you jaymiek. I want some answers and for the season to move along. So far not so good.
I really enjoyed last night's ep. I found it to be the most entertaining episode so far this season. Don't throw anything at me, but I thought that Bai Ling and Matthew Fox had good on screen chemistry. While I gagged a little when I first saw her, I got over it.
They definitely did a little marketing misleading w/ last weeks previews, but I think we are headed in the right direction in terms of getting some answers. I really like that we are starting to get more of a sense of how the others function and their power structure. I would have liked to have seen Sawyer and Kate get a little bit more info out of Carl.
Well, the only thing I have actually SEEN her in is The Crow, where I am pretty sure we saw her nipples. And she was also in that show last year where out of work celebs sang kareoke or something. She was terrible and let as much as her nipples show as possible on cable tv.
If you want to see LOTS of her nipples:
See what the Fug girls have provided here of her NON NIPPLE COVERING WARDROBE:
I just watched the episode online and in every scene with Bai Ling, I couldn't stop thinking that that was Bai Ling--I never bought her as the Thai tattoo artist. She's not a great actress and she's just so...eew. I don't like her and I really didn't like Jack's relationship with her. It just seemed very manufactured.
Anyway, aside from that though, I really liked the episode. I think Jack is a neat character and I liked learning what his tattoo meant. I wonder when the "5" and the rest of the tattoo was added though.
I'm not sure what to think of Sawyer and Kate. I can't tell if she really does care for him romantically, or if she wants Jack. But, then again, I don't think she even knows.
The others' whole structure was really interesting, but I'm dying to know what they're doing there and what they're doing with all the people they've kidnapped!
I'm definitely optimistic that this season will turn out to be better than last season.
I liked it. I love Jack and I always like seeing his flashbacks. Bai Ling was/is a nasty skank, but whatever.
Here's my take on which questions they answered---
1- The Meaning of Jack's Tatoo They've always said that this tatoo means something and has great significance to the show.
2- What happened to the survivors who were taken They're still alive and living with The Others
3- Where The Others live They said that they don't live on the small island, so 'Zeke' (aka, Tom) must have been telling the truth when he said last season that 'this is our island.' Karl also made it pretty clear that he's been on that island his whole life- he didn't know what The Brady Bunch was when Sawyer called him 'Bobby.' So, they definitely keep people there secluded from the outside world.
Maybe not the 'three big mysteries' of Lost, but at least they cleared up a few of them.
blech. I didn't like this episode. And I guess I don't get why the meaning of his tattoo was so significant. In addition, the LAST thing this show needs is another freakin' Jack flashback. Seriously, just when I feel like I couldn't possibly be missing another piece of his backstory, they throw something else in there. I can't stand his character.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
.... and why would Jack get a tattoo made of Chinese characters, from a Thai woman in Thailand?! And then how did people just *know* he had gotten it? I'd assume miss Skanky-pants must have told them, but why?
I think I've finally just let go of my expectations for this show/storyline - I can enjoy it much more if I just let it be what it is. My frustration with the storyline was getting in the way of being able to drool over Dr. Eyecandy, you see ....
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
NCshopper wrote: I just watched the episode online and in every scene with Bai Ling, I couldn't stop thinking that that was Bai Ling--I never bought her as the Thai tattoo artist. She's not a great actress and she's just so...eew. I don't like her and I really didn't like Jack's relationship with her. It just seemed very manufactured.
ITA with this. Their relationship seemed very forced.
I have to admit that I wasn't intrigued at all by this episode and even got kind of bored..which is a bad sign because I normally get waaaay into each episode. I think it's going super downhill for me.
re: the three mysteries...there weren't any. If you listen to the lost podcasts, the producers said they dont' make the trailers and they have no idea where the people that do came up with that idea. They had no intention of revealing anything. The trailers are basially just to get ratings, and mean absolutely nothing.
ILoveChoo wrote: i thought this epiode was boring.
re: the three mysteries...there weren't any. If you listen to the lost podcasts, the producers said they dont' make the trailers and they have no idea where the people that do came up with that idea. They had no intention of revealing anything. The trailers are basially just to get ratings, and mean absolutely nothing.
i agree- i was a little disappointed. i expected more.
There are many languages, but laughter sounds the same in every one.
Ugh. I just about fell off the couch when I saw Bai Ling on screen! Though I enjoyed Jack's character (for once; usually he seems so wooden to me) this episode, I couldn't stand any of the scenes with Bai. I just can't get past my intense dislike of her.
I've felt a lot this season that LOST and Grey's are not living up to their potential for greatness. I hate watching both shows together (usually on Thursday or Friday nights) and feeling let down. I'm so disappointed!
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler