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Post Info TOPIC: is your office/school fashionable?

Kenneth Cole

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is your office/school fashionable?
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My office is business casual (we can wear jeans), but there's totally an unspoken uniform.  On any given day, I'd say 90% of the women are wearing black or khaki pants, black, square-toed shoes or boots, and some colored top, maybe with a white button-down underneath.   On Fridays, they wear jeans with the same kinds of tops and shoes. 

I find that wherever I'm working, I tend to fall into the patterns that others set.  When I worked at trendier, more creative offices, I was more experimental with my styles, but at my current job, some days I think, "Why bother?"  When I do wear something a little different (like, say, a wrap dress), everyone comments, but in this way where I end up feeling like I stand out ("Why are you so dressed up!?" etc.).

Am I alone in this?  What about you?


Kate Spade

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This is a topic that we always seem to discuss because so many of us have the same issues.  I have found that eventually people  stop saying things once they get used to it.  I'm an elementary school teacher, we ALL know how teachers tend to dress especially at my school that seems to have several teachers that have been teaching since the dinosaurs were still around. Just keep on wearing what you like and feel comfortable in.  Say thank you or just smile.  If they ask you why you are dressed a certain way and you feel inclined to respond simply say "Because I like it" or to the dressed up comment "I'm not" Trust me when I say that they will stop or at least not comment as often the more you do it and realize that you just have style and class.

I am my own woman. ---Evita Peron


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My school middle-of-the-road fashionable. Of course there are the people who come to class in sweats everyday, and the girls who come to class in stilettos everyday. But I guess most people are middle-of-the-road. It definitely depends on which class I'm taking, though - I'm a senior, so I'm taking a lot of upper-level classes and I think that the upperclassmen tend to look nicer every day just becaue they're more "adult" and often have an office job to go to after classes. I'm also taking a general education course this semester, though, which most people take their freshman or sophomore year...and most people just wear hoodies or t-shirts to that.

My work is even less fashionable! I work for my family's businesses, which are actually two companies at the same location - an auto salvage and an online/software company that provides services to auto recyclers. I actually plan my wardrobe depending on which office I'll be working in. If I'm going in on a day when I know I'll spend most of my time in the auto salvage portion, or in an office where I'll mostly see the auto salvage employees, I'll just wear jeans and a t-shirt. If I'm going to spend the majority of my time in the building with the online company, I can upgrade to a denim skirt - wooahh classy! Most people wear jeans or khakis, polos, and gym shoes every day. Even when I wear a denim skirt, everyone asks why I'm all dressed up. I always try to just wear something that looks nice and ignore everyone's comments, but it's hard sometimes. I hate just wearing jeans and T-shirts, but anything else just invites tons of questions comments from people.

I work mostly from home now while I'm in school, but when I graduate I'm going to move back to my hometown and start going into the offices every day again. I'm hoping that after a few weeks people will quit asking why I'm "dressed up" and just let me be!

-- Edited by ttara123 at 23:46, 2007-02-21


Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123


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I used to work in downtown San Francisco in the financial district and everyone was really fashionable and dressed up. It was so much fun and people totally appreciated and understood style.

Unfortunately, now I work at a University and there is no fashion to be found anywhere. People are CONSTANTLY commenting on my clothes/outfits. I get compliments, but I also get the "Wow, what are you dressed up for?" comments. Sometimes I do feel like, what is the point?


Kate Spade

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I work at a Federal agency and my office is very polarized.  I'd say about 1/3 of the women who work here dress nicely and like to keep up with fashion. The remainder dress in a manner that says "I give up."  My office is "buisness casual," but a lot of women wear suits straight from the 80s as separates.  I see a lot of tapered, pleated polyester pants with ugly sweaters or turtlenecks, jackets with shoulderpads of linebacker proportions; old, blocky pumps, and shapeless ankle length shift dress/jumper things.  Oh, and tacky holiday sweaters and vests abound.  It's weird, but the worst fashion offenders are the women in leadership positions.  A few days ago, a supervisor on my floor wore a floor-length plaid skirt with a paisley turtleneck. 



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i work in a small studio with 2 other people- there is no point in getting dressed up.  I have to shlep around the city a lot.  But because its fashion, we dress in cute casual stuff- just can't wear heels, nice silks, etc.  I like it because even though half the time i feel like i could wear sweatpants, i'm around people that appreciate detail, so i can wear clothes i actually like.  I like creative/offbeat styles and would feel stifled by a business casual dress code (which i've done before, and hope not to do again...ever. or at least for a few years)


my fashion/style thoughts 


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I work in downtown Chicago, where there are tons of fashionable women.  There are even some that work for my company, however, not in my department!  I am surrounded by women who have probably worked here forever and dress horrible.  One wears those seasonal holiday sweaters/sweatshirts.  One wears pants that are way too short on her (they aren't supposed to be) w/black clunky shoes and knee highs.    I still dress how I want.  I definitely will not fall into their patterns!


Kate Spade

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shopchicago33 wrote:

  I still dress how I want.  I definitely will not fall into their patterns!

Oh come on, you know you want to strap these on with your black knee high socks!  
J. Reneé 'St. Nick' Pump

(Someone in my office actually has similar ones! I tried to find the actual shoes in all their hideous glory, but these were the best I could do.  Hers had more sequins.)



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I see a lot of 80's suits w/ shoulder pads around here too. *shudders*



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I work in an office full of men. Most of the time they are all wearing jeans or khakis with a company logo shirt (even though they don't have to, they all do it anyway). Casual Friday may as well just be called Sloppy Friday. Seriously. Hoodies, sneakers, nasty jeans. I could probably come in, in my pajamas and no one would bat an eye.

That said, I dress up (sort of) most of the time. I've worked there for a year and a half now, so everyone is used to my style by now, which I'd call Creative Casual. I did get a lot of comments at first, though. However, I have noticed that I've fallen into a more casual style in general for work lately. I think mostly because I've been so stressed both with work and then, right around the holidays I went through some major crap with McStubborn that rendered me a total basketcase and fashion was the last thing I cared about.

But on Sloppy Fridays, you can definitely find me holed away in my cube wearing cords, some kind of casual top/sweater, kangaroos (or something like that) and a cute hat. I love that I can get away with hats there.

-- Edited by kenzie at 18:04, 2007-02-22



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Kenzie- I can TOTALLY sympathize with you on the Sloppy Fridays thing. Though in my office it's Sloppy Everyday.

I work in a very small office with two other people who put no effort into themselves at all. One guy consistently rolls into work each morning unshowered and in wrinkled, holey, faded tshirts and equally wrinkled jeans that I'm sure he just pulled on from the floor or the laundry basket. It's really gross and sucks because I feel like the students we work with don't see us as professionals when they come in and homeslice is dressed like he fell out of the sloppy tree and hit every branch on the way down.

Because of this, I'm a bit more motivated most days to look good and be creative in my outfit choices. Also, my office is located right near UNC which means the students that come in to see me include LOTS of super fashionable women. I use them as a reason to keep myself dressing nice and looking good, even in the case of Mr. Bedhead. Though I have to admit, on days when I'm not feeling like putting the effort in, thoughts of MBH make it really easy to want to throw on any old thing!

-- Edited by Sevilla at 17:45, 2007-02-22

-- Edited by Sevilla at 17:46, 2007-02-22


Marc Jacobs

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Its sort of a mix - I work for a fashion company so on any given day you will find someone in an Armani suit next to someone in Old Navy jeans. Our dress code is "business casual" which includes jeans, but my division forbids them except on Friday.

I find that most of my coworkers are fairly fashionable- you'll find mostly the tailored slacks+blouse+blazer combo. A few people who look frumpy and handful look fabulous. I guess I fall in between on most days!


Marc Jacobs

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lynnie wrote:

i work in a small studio with 2 other people- there is no point in getting dressed up.  I have to shlep around the city a lot.  I like creative/offbeat styles and would feel stifled by a business casual dress code (which i've done before, and hope not to do again...ever. or at least for a few years)

This is totally me too! I do dress up sometimes if I have to meet a client, but mostly I shoot for sort of polished-casual. I often wear jeans to work, but everything else is more polished--nice tops or sweaters and shoes--no t-shirts or sneakers or sweats.  I wind up dressing the same for school since I'm often at both school and work in the same day, which means I'm usually overdressed at school compared to my friends, so they rib me about being a fashionista, but that's OK. If they're ribbing me that means I'm doing a good job! 



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i work alongside starving graduate students, who will be wearing the same hoodies/jeans for the next 5 years.  we're quite the fashionable bunch.  it works out ok, though, since my style is only half a step removed from the lazy-ass-college-brat look.



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jacks435 wrote:

My office is business casual (we can wear jeans), but there's totally an unspoken uniform. On any given day, I'd say 90% of the women are wearing black or khaki pants, black, square-toed shoes or boots, and some colored top, maybe with a white button-down underneath. On Fridays, they wear jeans with the same kinds of tops and shoes.

I find that wherever I'm working, I tend to fall into the patterns that others set. When I worked at trendier, more creative offices, I was more experimental with my styles, but at my current job, some days I think, "Why bother?" When I do wear something a little different (like, say, a wrap dress), everyone comments, but in this way where I end up feeling like I stand out ("Why are you so dressed up!?" etc.).

Am I alone in this? What about you?

I'm in the same boat. At my last job, I was one of 3 employees and I could wear anything but jeans. I dressed much more stylishly. Now our office is between busines and business casual and is totally casual on thruedsys and fridays. On dressy days everyone just wears black pans and a sweater(not even a cute one, just a basic sweater) or a plain pant suit. One girl dresses more fun, but she's sort of claimed that role for herself so whenever I dress stylishly I feel guilty- Like I'm cramping her style or something?  And any day thats casual and I don't wear jeans I get the "why so dressed up?" Its boring and is making me tired of clothes.

"Life's too short to wear ugly shoes."

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Mmmmm....I think my office is pretty fashionable (our dress code is business casual, but some folks take that for granted). Some of the men are nicely dressed (some suits, some slacks & a nice shirt), and some of the woman wear business clothes all the time. I can't do that, but IF I had to, I probably could. LOL

"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".

Kate Spade

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My office is mixed. There is technically a business casual dress code, but it is not enforced. Some managers have been known to wear track suits to meetings. One manager will wear black jogging pants and throw on an eighties blazer if she has a meeting. There are some cute younger people who are fashionable. I really don't care. Some days I try and others I don't. I get made fun of by the older staff members a lot for my shoes, oversized handbags, headbands and scarves and my winter hat. I will admit my winter hat is a bit goofy. It has an oversized pom. I bought it from jcrew online - final sale. It freaked me out a little when I got it, but since I couldn't return it, I decided to rock it as if I meant it.

What kills me is the people I work with who will criticize my outfits to my face are some of the worst dressers I have ever met. Just because you bought a western inspired denim suit from Lerners doesn't mean you need to go buy matching denim knee high boots. I never say anything, because I am not a jackass. Actually, my new approach when someone makes a snide comment about something I'm wearing, like say my hat, I just say "Thank you!" and walk away.



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My office is definitely mixed and I hate to say it, but it seems to have a lot to do with job titles and responsibilities.  The people that are well put-together are the ones that get to meet with other people outside the office whereas the people that come in looking sloppy end up sitting in their cubicles and are not given much in the way of responsibility.  It's kind of interesting to see, actually.

Anyway, I totally agree with "Sloppy Friday."  I'm appalled that people come in with their velour tracksuits and sneakers on and they blatantly did not shower.  I just do not understand that mentality at all.  In my job, I never really know who I'll be meeting with or where I'll need to go on any given day, so I always try to dress so that I'll be prepared for anything. 


Kate Spade

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haha, no way. if you actually get sressed for class people ask you where you are going, because you obviously are nt going to class

Carrie Bradshaw: The fact is, sometimes it's really hard to walk in a single woman's shoes. That's why we need really special ones now and then to make the walk a little more fun.

Kenneth Cole

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I wear scrubs to work everyday thank god ( but there could be a whole new thread on scrubs: and the why's to some of the scary ass combos) but I have to comment on the area I live in as a whole. I just posted about the "looks you are sick of" so I am not going to go off on a tangent like on did there :)
I am just living in a very lazy area I guess ( monatana) I went shoppimg the other day ( which consisted of the biggest store here: Old Navy we don't even have a GAP at the mall...sad just sad. Anyway it was packed. I literally saw TWO girls that looked like they had heard of style. One was waaaaaaaaay over ther top, and one was just adorable, but still verrrrry casual. I moved here from Germany and it was sooooooooo different there. People DO NOT dress like slobs in Europe. I admit there is a punk vibe on some people, but I would rather see someone DRESSED with a mohawk and peircings, then a girl spackeled with makeup in her clouds pj pants. Just my 2 cents ;)

-- Edited by sjc44 at 16:37, 2007-03-08

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