Girls, I have a huge Heath problem and I could use some advice.
For the last few months I have been getting very bad periods. Extremly heavy cramping & vomiting. My periods are lasting almost 8 days and they are HEAVY. I will actually be so sick that I end up vomiting several times a day for the first 4 days. The only painkiller that seems to work is vicoden. I have never had this reaction until about 9 months ago. I have seen my doctor about this several times , and he keeps telling me I am being "dramtic". I have a family history of ovarian cancer and I dont know what to do.
Am I overreacting here? Should I be seeing a specialist, and if so what kind???
Was this doctor who is blowing off your problem a gynecologist?
If he wasn’t I would go to one, and if he was I would defiantly find another one for a second opinion.
I have never had any personal experience with anything close to your problem, but I have had a doctor blow off my concern about pain I was having at the time and think I was overacting. Which it turned out a year later to be 8 bleeding stomach ulcers which weren’t caught till one perforated through my stomach lining and I ended up in the ER.
I’m not trying to scare you, but I am just saying that if you don’t feel it is normal get another opinion no matter what one doctor says.
-- Edited by cat at 23:09, 2007-02-20
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.- Ralph Waldo Emerson
I agree that your doctor is out of line, and I'd seek a new one. For gynecological concerns, I always prefer to see a female doctor; I feel they are far more sypathetic and knowledgeable about the female body than men are.
Your doctor was totally wrong in saying you're dramatic - maybe if you were 15 and this was your first time that might be SLIGHTLY acceptible.
However, as women our best defense is knowing our bodies and knowing our patterns, what to expect, and to be alerted when something is out of the ordinary. If you had bad cramps all your life, I wouldn't be worried, but this seems to be out of the ordinary so I would definately get a second opinion. You probably don't need a specialist, just a different gyno.
jrhampt wrote: For gynecological concerns, I always prefer to see a female doctor; I feel they are far more sypathetic and knowledgeable about the female body than men are.
I disagree w/this and think it's an unfair generalization. I go to a male gyno and he's the best doctor I've ever been too. I tried several female gynos before him, and they were AWFUL. Totally mean to me and lectured me like I was their daughter. My point is, it's all about the doctor and not their sex.
That being said, you should definitely find a new doctor. And like the other girls have said, a gynocologist. You are definitely not overreacting. Hope you feel better
allie - that is awful that your dr. said that. i get horrible horrible periods too similar to what you're describing, but birth control pills have made them probably 80% better. are you on them? endometriosis sounds like a possibility, too. i'd definitely go to a different gyno!
Number one, you should fire that doctor so fast it's not funny. Regardless of if you'd been overly dramatic or not, it's extremely out of line for a medical professional to say such a thing. The fact that you're cycle has changed dramatically is a serious concern, especially since it's affecting your quality of life negatively, and I for one am really glad you're being proactive and seeing a doctor about it at all! Good for you! Dramatic my ass ........ harumph!
I'm not a medical professional, but my thought is that it sounds a little sudden to be endometriosis - you would probably have had pain with your periods, bowel movements, possibly sex and it likely would take awhile to ramp up.
My guess would be either an ovarian cyst that's getting a little out of hand, or possibly a uterine fibroid of some kind. Not nearly as serious as they sound IMO, but can be a pain in the butt to deal with. It could also be a thyroid imbalance.
Are you on any hormonal birth control? Had any recent weight gain/loss? Any other changes (acne, pain with activity, energy levels, etc) recently? Are you passing any tissue with your period? I know these are really personal so you obviously don't have to answer, but think about them and see if anything comes to mind (or you could PM me too if you want to talk more).
I'd find a new doctor ASAP, and have them run some blood tests firstly. Thyroid is an easy one, and if you're not on hormonal BC then a full hormone panel as well. Probably an iron test too - you could be anemic from bleeding so heavily. If all those things come back normal (make them tell you the actual numbers, so you can research them yourself later if things don't feel like they're adding up), they'd probably move to an ultrasound (which I'm sorry to say could be of the Dildocam variety) to check out your ovaries and uterus visually.
Good for you for paying attention to your cycles and noticing when something just wasn't right. Hopefully you'll get a doctor who's actually willing to work with you to figure this whole thing out!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}