I have something odd going on on my upper arms. There are these dime to quarter size areas that won't tan. They aren't actually white, just my normal skin color, but they show up because the rest of the area is tanned. They don't have defined edges and kinda feel like they are raised from the skin/dryer than the rest of the skin.
Does anybody have any idea what these may be? They have been there for a while, but as it gets closer to summer, they are starting to freak me out. I am going to the derm to get it checked out, but I can't go until the end of February because I leave on the never ending round of business trips tomorrow.
I dated a guy who had those spots on his chest. I forget what it's called...he went to the dermo and Like Greendiamond said he told him to wash with anti-dandruff shampoo...so he used Selson (sp?) blue as a kind of body wash.
It's pronounced "Johnny," like the boys name....but spelled like an Indian Zuchini.
I had something similar, in FL a lot of people have it. We all call it sun spots, but in fact, it is a type of fugus. The Dr. gave me something for it, and it just went away.
I used to get those too. I was a swimmer in H.S. and started having white spots that wouldn't tan as well. Dr. told me it is actually a type of reaction - turns out I am allergic to the sun. Not a severe reaction or anything of the sort. He just told me to stay ouot of the sun as much as possible and use sunscreen. After I started using sunscreen the problem went away and I've never had it agai. but then again - I sit in an office all day and never get a real tan! :)
Might want to get it checked out just in case. hth
Thanks to everyone! I have an appointment next week (I am home for one day, so I am going in to see the doctor). I am going to try the selsun blue in the meantime (can't really hurt I guess).