I am to have some cavities filled in a couple weeks and I opted to get the amalgam (mercury/silver) fillings since they are cheaper and my insurance doesn't cover the composite (well, either doesn't cover at all or only covers a small portion, I forget). Now I find out that some dentists believe these fillings may leach out mercury and it is enough to possibly poison you.
Does anyone have an educated opinion on this? I don't know what to believe. If it matters, I already have a good amount of fillings in my teeth.
I don't think they're a danger, personally. They're still widely used and have been for a long time - nobody is ill because of them as far as I know. I'd probably be more concerned about how much mercury people get from eating too much of certain types of fish than I would be for a filling.
May the levels of mercury in your body be higher than someone else that has no fillings? Sure. But high enough to cause you harm/illness? I'm going to say 'No'. But then again I microwave things in plastic containers and drink straight from aluminum cans, so maybe I'm just reckless all around . But in all seriousness I'd worry about mercury in fish before I'd worry about mercury in my fillings. Might be worth just asking your dentist about to see what they say - they've probably heard it all. They might have some 'insider' reasons for or against or why the claim is total BS. It would give you a professional opinion to weigh in your decision, at least.
-- Edited by Elle at 12:09, 2007-01-05
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
It really depends. Some people have great systems that just flush mercury through with no problems. Others may be more sensitive to it. Things like hot foods/coffee, chewing gum, or if you have two fillings together (one on top one of bottom) when you close them together, those things will release the mercury. The past two dentists I have gone to do not use it at all anymore but I have mercury fillings from the past and am not planning on getting them removed or anything. If you already have mercury with no reaction you are most likely fine with them.