I got my hair colored and highlighted last Sunday, but I am unhappy with the results so I'm having the stylist fix it on Saturday. The problem is that my hair is a little brassy and throwing a little bit of an orange cast, plus my highlights are a little too blonde for my liking. How do I make sure I get what I want the second time around? I hate complaining and am so nervous about confronting her about my hair, but I spent a lot of money and a lot of time, plus I have a party to go to that night, so I want to make sure she gets it right this time!
I brought a picture the last time, but I don't know what the heck happened.
Stop the habit of wishful thinking and start the habit of thoughtful wishes.
Mary Martin
poor thing! I'm sorry, I don't color my hair so I'm clueless about what technical advice to give but just be polite and firm and it'll be okay. Good luck!
If you think the brown color is too orange, tell your stylist that the color is too warm and ask for something cooler. She can probably apply a toner to darken the highlights since you said they were lifted too much. Sometimes asking for caramel highlights keeps the stylist from going overboard. I haven't seen your hair now, but it may be possible to kill two birds with one stone by using an all over toner to cool and darken your existing colors. This will probably work best if she does it on dry hair and leaves it on for a while.
I'm not an expert, but have had the highlight/lowlight combo many many times. My hair stylist and I can always tell a difference if she tries to change bleach or color brands because certain lines tend to give warmer results than others. In her defense, maybe she did this and didn't expect your color to turn out so warm. It's a constant battle because I have cool coloring and look best in ashy shades, which I'm told are the hardest to nail.
It took us a few tries to find the perfect formula, but in the process we came up with a fun name for the unfortunate orange chunks -- we call them "cheeto pieces". When I arrive for my appointment she'll sit me down and ask, "How did the hair work out for you? No cheetos this time?".