I know its not the same thing as going to a doctor, but maybe one of you has this issue.
I've had this problem for YEARS but it only hurts maybe 2-3 times out of the year, and it hurts from anywhere to 1-3 days. sometimes i barely feel the pain, and other times like today it really hurts! the pain is on my right side and it feels like its deep inside me, maybe abouve my pelive bone, like where your ovaries might be? it hurts to walk, sit, and pee. it just hurts on my right side though. I dont have health insurace .....
one time about a few years ago it was hurting SO bad i was in tears so i called my doctor ( i had insurance then) but she couldn't see me that day so i waited to go in till the next day, but by then the pain was gone. so she did a pap and everything came out fine.
I'm just so frustrated! my husbands telling me to go in to Urgent care but i dont want to cause Im telling him that they probably would want to do a lot of tests and that would be a lot of money. plus im pretty sure that tomorrow morning i'll be fine and the pain will barely be there or gone completely.
any ideas?
thanks for listening to me rant! im just so annoyed when the pain comes......
how high on your abdomen is the pain? Do you ever have nausea or vomiting with the pain? Is it always only on your right side? I know you said deep within but does it hurt more on the front of your stomach or in your back?
I am definitely not a doctor but those questions might rule out some things such as gallbladder attacks and such...
I used to have horrible pain in my right side when I ovulated. It would usually last 1-2 days and sometimes it was so painful I couldn't stand up. It was pretty much every other month just with my right ovary. Now I don't have the pain because I am on the pill and don't ovulate. I don't know if you are on the pill, but if you aren't, that might be it.
mckenke wrote: I used to have horrible pain in my right side when I ovulated. It would usually last 1-2 days and sometimes it was so painful I couldn't stand up. It was pretty much every other month just with my right ovary. Now I don't have the pain because I am on the pill and don't ovulate. I don't know if you are on the pill, but if you aren't, that might be it.
This is what I was thinking too, or that it might be a cyst on your ovary.
This is what I was thinking too, or that it might be a cyst on your ovary.
Yeah, I was thinking cyst as well. A friend had the same kind of symptoms you're talking about just recently and it was a cyst. The dr. said they come and go (usually go away in a short period of time). Yours might not go away or it might just come and go with more frequency? I'm not sure on that part, but it sounds similar to a cyst imo.
I actually know a doctor, (i forgot about her) her sons in the same basketball team as my son, and my husband told her about me and she thinks it might be a cyst too. I actually get this pain with or without pills. when they burst is when i get that incredible pain....
i guess i just need to tough it out when it happens.