I think she's going through this stage where she's sad that she's no longer really looked at as the sex-symbol that she once was. It's also sort of an identity crisis because that's all she's ever really known herself to be - the whole "pop princess" thing. There was a point where every guy thought she was hot - and that's definitely not the case now. It's like she's trying extra hard to be sexy and get attention.
Kitty wrote: I think she's going through this stage where she's sad that she's no longer really looked at as the sex-symbol that she once was. It's also sort of an identity crisis because that's all she's ever really known herself to be - the whole "pop princess" thing. There was a point where every guy thought she was hot - and that's definitely not the case now. It's like she's trying extra hard to be sexy and get attention.
i can definitely see that going on.
the sad thing is, she wore that to her MOTHER'S BIRTHDAY PARTY.
She looks good in the first pic, but oh. my. god. Can you imagine wearing that second outfit to your mother's birthday party?!?! What the hell was she thinking? (Well, I guess this dress is really not that bad when compared to the fact that this is the same person who MARRIED AND PROCREATED WITH KEVIN FEDERLINE. )
Kitty--ITA w/ you about the identity crisis. Ever since she was a kid, she's been a performer whose every move in life was because of an agent coaching her. I really don't think she has any sense of who she is or who she wants to be. And she certainly has no education to fall back on. I kind of feel sorry for her, but on the other hand, I feel like common sense should tell a person not to wear see-through lace to her mother's birthday party.