Does anyone here use a GHD ceramic straightener? My CHI one is acting funny, and the glue is starting to loosen, and it's a few years old so I can't get it fixed or anything. If you do, how does it hold up? Any problems or complaints?
Anyways, on the GHD site I stumbled on this beauty... My stylist in Glasgow used it, and I liked it, but it's a bit pricy, for me. ($195). Thanks!
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly. - Epictetus
GHD gets good reviews on I have a Sedu flat iron I bought from folica last year and I love it! It's not as expensive, only about $120, and I've been nothing but pleased.
My Mom in England has the GHD (it's very popular in the UK) and I used it while I was home in October. It was great and inspired me to buy a better flatiron when I got back to the States. However I really didn't want to spend $200 on a GHD so I read a bunch of review on Folica and settled on a Solia 1-1/4". I got it and LOVE it! It's definitely on par with the GHD so I'd say if you wanted to save yourself some $, get the Solia.
“Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did. She just did it backwards and in high heels.” Ann W. Richards