Hi there, my boyfriend has been complaining about his complextion, he has some mild acne scarring on his cheeks and gets an occasional break out. He is pretty clueless about skincare products so I was thinking of getting him a little skincare starter set as part of his Xmas present.
I am looking for a set, not too pricey about $50, something like a cleanser, toner and treatment. I am looking in Sephora at things like Clinique for Men, Zirh or Anthony Logistics. NONE of these items list ingredients and I worry that its just BS treatments that are packaged nicely. Does anyone have any experience with some EFFECTIVE mens products that are worthy of gift giving? (I know gender isnt important in products but I dont want to get him anything he will be embarrassed to use, ya know?) TIA!
my DH love the Jack Black line of men's products. We actually gave sets to our groomsmen when we got married and have converted some of his friends to using this. He likes it alot!
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
I recommend one of the M.D. Formulations kits (you can buy through Sephora.com). They're about $50, and they have an small assortment of M.D. products picked out for his skin type. There's one for adult acne, which sounds perfect for him. You'll get a wash, toner, moisturizer, etc. The if he likes one product over the other he can go back and ge the full size. Another thing is that the packaging is very unisex, so if this stuff is sitting on his bathroom counter, he won't think it's too girly.
Oooh what a great idea (the Murad)! I have tried some of his products and I do believe they are great. I am wishy washy about some of the other brands recommended. I went to sephora and read some labels.. didnt find anything impressive.. no AHAs, no Salysylic (sp) Acid, nothing impressive. I will do more label reading but the Murad is a good option. Thanks for all your help ladies.