I'm not talking about diets or important tests or anything of that nature. I was watching that show "cheaters" and I just started wondering how many people cheat. I know quite a few people who have and it seems like most people do at some point or another. Personally I haven't but I'm just curious on if it really is the majority of people or not. You don't have to say who you are....just click the button and please be honest. Thanks.
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."
That Cheaters show is filmed mostly in Dallas I believe, that's where I live. I am always expecting to see my cheater ex boyfriend getting busted on there one day, ha! Though the participants on that show tend to be Jerry Springer material, so maybe not. It's a sad show, don't you think?
I have cheated and I felt really badly about it, but it was in 1992 and I was only 16, I told my boyfriend the very next day and gave him the chance to break up with me. He didn't. But two years he later cheated on me with a sort-of friend and didn't disclose until we had a big argument, after which I swiftly dumped him. Of course we were super young, but I always thought that if I hadn't cheated on him and made him feel insecure in the first place, he might have been more loyal to me. Even though he didn't tell me about his infidelity for six months, it affected our relationship, things were getting bad and it was the secrecy that was killing it.
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld
Nope. Never have and I never will. I am of the belief that if you want to be w/someone else, break up w/the person you're with. I've been cheated on and I know how much it hurts, so I could never do that to someone else.
I put no, but I just remembered one time when I was 17 I was in Sweden with my best friend, and I kissed a lovely Italian boy, although I had a very sweet French boyfriend at the time. But I chalk that up to youth. I've also been in the gray area of dating two or more people at a time, but I always make sure everyone involved knows we're not "exclusive." I've decided not to do that anymore, because it compromises my sense of what's right a bit, and I don't want to inadvertently hurt anyone. So far this new direction in my life means I'm not dating anyone. LoL
I did once when I was 17. I attribute it to being young and inexperienced, but it's not something I think is okay. I would absolutely never do it again.
When my bf at the time was still at home and I was in college, I kissed a few different boys, but that was it. No big deal, although at the time I'm sure it was. But since then, never. And I never would. I can't imagine getting close enough to someone else (while with a SO) to do that now.
I cheated on my ex-bf and it was by far the dumbest, most immature thing I have ever done. I was in college and the relationship was long distance - I was very wild and crazy at that time in my life (partying like every day of the week, etc.) and I sort of let things get way too out of control. I eventually confessed everything and things ended HORRIBLY and it is by far the biggest regret in my life. I still have to carry it around with me and it sucks. I guess I learned the hard way...
I did, once. I had a really good friend that lived across the street from my boyfriend (at the time). I had to pick my friend up early one morning to go the airport, like around 5 a.m. Well, there was another girl's car at my boyfriend's house. A girl I had made friend's with myself - sort of felt sorry for her and invited her to hang out with us. I felt so betrayed and SO pissed!
What did I do? Went out that night and cheated on my boyfriend! Eye for an eye, right? Never again. Oh- and that old boyfriend in looooooooong gone. Yay!
Curve: The loveliest distance between two points. ~Mae West
I haven't cheated on a boyriend. But I've been cheated on a few times, and I've made out with guys who were in relationships, too. The most awful was a long time ago, the night before my high school graduation; I made out with my ex boyfriend who was dating my good friend. It was a horribly sticky situation, I thought she never knew but recently I discovered that he told her about it. Which might explain why I never saw her again after graduation.
I've also been very tempted while in a relationship. While dating my ex R, I spent like every night one week with my ex J, including sleeping in the same bed and everything. I was extremely flirtatious, because at the time I still had feelings for J and was trying to decide if I would leave R for him. It is something I feel horribly guilty about, but technically I didn't cheat on R because I didn't kiss J or have sex with him or anything. So I said no. But there are definitely things I feel very guilty of even though they're technically not cheating.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123