After reading some of the responses on the other thread about missing a pill, I got to wondering if there is any point in taking the placebo pill. I mean, is it just to make sure that you don't forget to start taking the next pack when you are done with the current pack? Or are there some hormones or something that are in them so that you *should* take them. Just curious because I would rather not take them if there is no point.
My doc told me that you do not have to take them, but she advised it because they have vitamins and minerals in them that you lose when you have your lady time.
"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln
There should actually be a listing somewhere on the packaging that lists the hormone levels in each pill. Sort of like an ingredients label on packaged food, I guess.
If you can't find that, I would ask your pharmacist- they would know about this stuff a lot better than your doctor (and probably much easier to get a hold of).
I would definitely make sure about what is in there before you don't take the placebo. For example: Seasonale, which used to have a week of placebo pills is being phased out and will be substituted by Seasonique which will have hormones during those seven days. The hormones are only there to control for spotting and bleeding that occured during Seasonale's placebdo week, and nothing to do with pregnancy prevention, but it will still be there.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
shopchicago33 wrote: I've been on the pill for about 7 years and I never take the placebo pills - my doc told me they're just there as a reminder, so I don't bother.
Me too (though I'm old & been on them for 16 yrs)
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I have never taken mine. I think they are iron pills, and people with high cholesterol shouldn't have extra iron (I don't recall way, I read it years ago, science has probably changed its mind by now any ways) and I have high cholesterol. I've been not taking those pills for 7 years.
I have never taken mine. I think they are iron pills, and people with high cholesterol shouldn't have extra iron (I don't recall way, I read it years ago, science has probably changed its mind by now any ways) and I have high cholesterol. I've been not taking those pills for 7 years.