Recently my stomach has been giving me a lot of trouble. Nearly every time I eat (doesn't matter what I'm eating), it hurts and feels unsettled (though I don't have any nausea) afterwards for a while. Also it feels bloated - but not normal, crampy-type bloating - it feels rock hard.
When I say this has been constant, I mean it started on our vacation to Colorado in June/ July, and has been happening ever since. So it's been nearly five weeks now. I went to but the only thing that they suggest for constant bloating is eating more fiber, and I already eat plenty of fiber, and have been for years. So it's not a sudden dietary change that's caused this.
Any thoughts from you ladies? I hate to go to the dr. with something so vague, but I'm starting to think I might have to. I really don't want to live like this for another month!
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
I've battled stomach issues ever since high school and the only thing anyone has ever been able to tell me is that it's IBS, which I'm pretty sure means "I don't know what the hell is wrong with you, nor do I know how to fix it, but I'm going to give it a name so at least it looks like I'm doing something."
To rule out a food allergy, you might want to (as dorky as it sounds) keep a food diary to figure out what you eat and start narrowing down what might be causing the problem. There are a ton of things that could cause it--lactose, wheat (I know wheat is a HUGE problem for a lot of people), some fruits, sodas, etc. See what happens if you eliminate some of those things for a few weeks. If that doesn't work, you might want to see a doctor. Or you might want to see a doctor before all that if you're worried.
I know that certain food trigger problems with me, so I'm super careful about what I eat, especially when I go out to eat. I also have come to the realization that doctors don't know what's wrong or how to treat it, so I'm always prepared: I always carry chewable Tums, Pepto, Immodium, and GasX with me at all times. It's awesome.
It's also possible that you have some kind of stomach/intestinal parasite (yum, I know). New studies are showing that many people who are diagnosed with IBS or food allergies actually have a parasite instead. They're very tricky little buggers (that require a stool sample to find, which is probably why not many people are tested for them off the bat), but once they're found out they're pretty easily cured with a round of meds.
I hope you feel better soon!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
OMG me too!! Started this week on me. I started taking zelnorm once a day because I've never had it before and wasn't sure what it might do to my stomach but I think i'm going to take the recommended 2xs a day starting tomorrow to see if it helps. Usually when my ibs acts up I have the other problem so this one is new to me.
I've been having weird tummy issues for the past month or so too. Ever since I got back from mexico actaully. I kind of coughted it up to stress, but I'm starting to wonder if its something more. My lower abdomen has been so bloated that its ridiculous- I almost look pregnant or something some days!
My stomach is crazy out of its mind all the freaking time - partly because of the meds I take every day, partly because I eat like crap. But neither of these seem to be your problem.
the fact that this started suddenly, and while you were in a different place, make me think that you should go to the dr and see if you somehow got a virus or parasite or something. Colorado isn't exactly an exotic locale, but I think it's more than coincidence that this started while you were away from home.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
ILC - no zelnorm isn't otc but my doctor gave me a bunch of free samples to try last year when I thought I was having issues but actually it went the other way and I never tried zelnorm until now. I'll let you know how it is after this weekend though when I try it as recommended.
TMI- Not sure about dietary stuff but if you want to try a combo try out kashi go lean crunch for breakfast and have an ultra lean pocket for lunch. For good measure add in some oatmeal that same day.
Thanks, ladies. I had no idea so many of us were having these types of issues. Sometimes it sucks to be a woman! :(
re: IBS, I was dx with it several years ago (apparently it is often a side issue with the chronic disease I have), and ITA with NCshopper's assessment of it. IMO it's a slap-on label for something that dr's. don't really know how to help.
When I was dx in 1997, I was told to eat more fiber for the IBS, which I've been doing regularly ever since (Kashi Go Lean is actually what I eat for breakfast most days), and that did seem to help some. I also eat way less prepackaged foods that I used to, which seemed to help. And more fruits, salads, etc., esp. since I started WW back in May. I really don't think it's been the diet, which stays fairly constant.
Would a food allergy *suddenly* develop where there hadn't been one before? I don't have trouble with wheat or lactose...well, maybe a very slight lactose intolerance, but really nothing to make changes for. I looked into a lot of this after the IBS dx, and worked on changing my diet then. I have a lot of fiber, try to eat greens often, and try to keep away from simple carbs. I find my body reacts better to protein than carbs, so I'll usually choose meat, chicken, or fish over pasta. We shop for our protein and veggies at Whole Foods because we prefer organic foods, and have been shopping there regularly for two years now, so that isn't new to my stomach either.
Usually when I travel, both my food routine and my eating routine are somewhat disrupted, which tends to lead to some stomach issues. But I've never had them last for this long after a trip. And we are traveling to Europe later this month, so I'm sure that I'll have some issues again...but I'd rather not start out a trip with this going on.
ttara123, you might be right. The problem was way worse on the CO trip, but I've never had it linger for so long after travel. So it might be something I got while eating on the plane, or during the beginning of that trip. It was bad enough during most of the trip that I didn't really enjoy most of the things we did. It's better now but still recurring, which is unusual for me.
Sorry this is so long.
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
I actually consulted a Nutritionist because of this issue. I couldn't stand the thought of taking -yet again- another pill for another issue I have! Between my allergies, my bc, my anxiety- I felt like an old woman with a pill case (which I have)!
But that doesn't answer any of your questions.
My Nutritionist looked at a 3-day food journal I created and thought that I could be gluten/wheat intolerant. (While there is a blood test you can take for this, I opted not for financial reasons.)
So based on this trial she was right. Everything I ate was a wheat and I was constantly bloated, constipated or had diaherrea. I didn't remember my last normal bowel movement. So after giving up wheat (in favor of rice, potatoes and such) I feel so much better. And eventually I can start adding it back once my body gets rid of the other issues that it is fighting.
It is definately true that we can develop new allergies and sensitivities to foods. Your body changes as you grow older and you can become more sensitive to things when your body is overloaded with other issues that it is fighting such as stress.
It might help if you consulted a nutritionist instead of a doctor. I also don't want to say give up wheat or milk, because it really could be anything you are eating that causes stomach trouble. IMO a lot of our health issues stem from the foods we eat.
As a quick fix pick up "food enzymes", they help with your digestion. I can use them when I want to cheat and eat pizza or something. These are what my nutritionist gave to me:
Have you ruled out any gynelogical problems? Maybe it could be an ovarian cyst or something like that? I have heard these kinds of things can cause abdominal bloating...
Wow - I didn't realize so many people had such similar problems. My stomach gives me fits too. And um, after a friend was diagnosed with parasites, I started looking into it. Being a complete hypochondriac, I decided I had them too. It looks like 75 percent of the population does or something wild like that, anyway. And so I went to the health food store and did a cleanse that a clerk recommended for a month. I'm not completely done with it, but it really helped with everything. Also, I did a food diary a while ago, and realized I'm allergic to tomatoes, eggs and a little bit lactose intolerant. So I still can't eat those things, but overall my stomach is in the best place it's been for years.