Does anyone watch this? My hubby and I watched last night for the first time and it was really good! Although I was really sad to see who was eliminated.
I really like this show as well, I just wish we actually got a little bit more of the "clues". I really enjoy those types of puzzles and would like to see more of that. Speaking of teams being eliminated...wasn't it the Brown family? How come they showed them on the previews for the next episode?? Did you guys catch that or am I crazy?
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
Yeah I didn't understand why they were on the promo for next week either, but I almost got a little teary eyed when they got eliminated. The stupid Wild Hanlons, that overslept and then left to got to Burger King?? I really hope they get eliminated next week!
My guess is that The Grad Student team leaves b/c that one girl is injured, so they put the Browns back in since there is only supposed to be one team eliminated at a time.