I just started working out and dieting (Weight Watchers). How many days a week do you have to work out for it to be effective. Are you supposed to work out every single day? I'm just curious because I want to do this right and have my work outs actually mean something and aide in my weightloss. Thanks in advance
great question! I've been wondering the same thing. I just restarted WW about 3 weeks ago with adding in weights to my workout. Right now I'm making it to the gym between 4 & 5 times a week.
I have noticed though that my clothes are tighter than before using weights and I gained a little weight. I'm hoping its muscle weight.
It's really up to you and what you do not how many days, ya know? I'd venture to say that at least 3 days and up to 5-6 days is ideal. If your a true beginner, take it slow. Right now I do 3 days cardio, 4 days lifting on a good week so it's 6 days a week (one day is cardio and weights which is kinda not the greatest but eh).
Your body needs at least one day off because what your doing when you work out is breaking down the muscle. Your day off is when that muscle builds itself up. So really, your day off is when your body is making the changes (as a result of your work). Without it, your body is just always breaking itself down.
I do think you can still be effective with 4 days though. hth! Keep it up!
Thanks Jen! This may be a totally stupid question, but I work at a desk job all day with little or no movement. Wouldn't this give my muscle an opportunity to grow?
No. You really do need a full day of no exercise to recoup and if you working out at the right intensity level (which will come, not really for beginners) you will NEED that day off.