yes i can tell you it is the best thing that has happened to me. you also take a multivitamin, cell actvator pill after each shake with a glass of water. and after your one good meal. at 10 am [ mid morning] you take a total control pill with a glass of water. you do need to drink alot of water. i mean alot. i am on my 12th. glass of water as we speak. i love the bottled water. you will lose pounds and inches. i should of measured myself to see how many inches i have lost. it is amazing.
The best part of waking up is coffee in my cup!!!!
sounds like a fancy name for slim fast - 2 shakes a day and dinner....
I don't believe in liquid diets because you will gain the weight back twice as fast and it is not a very healthy option. I would stick with a program where you actually ate real food and was easy to stick with. I think on this diet you'd be sick of the shakes in a couple of weeks. Just my 2 cents.
hello kittie wrote: yes i can tell you it is the best thing that has happened to me. you also take a multivitamin, cell actvator pill after each shake with a glass of water. and after your one good meal. at 10 am [ mid morning] you take a total control pill with a glass of water. you do need to drink alot of water. i mean alot. i am on my 12th. glass of water as we speak. i love the bottled water. you will lose pounds and inches. i should of measured myself to see how many inches i have lost. it is amazing.
Hello Kittie - I just bought this and was wondering if you could answer a couple of questions for me. Can you eat snacks with the program. I know they sell snacks and all that, but if I was hungry, could I eat a piece of fruit or something? Also, how many days' supply is a container of shake powder? Do you mix it with water? TIA!
yes, nunzi182 you can have snacks, have fresh fruit, and can mix in shakes. have protein snacks, [low fat or fat free is better] a small snack will help believe it or not. raw veg or cooked can be used as a snack . i love to eat a saled before my meal or any time of day. no you don't use water to mix it. you use milk. i use fat free. orange juice has been used in van. shakes but this has alot of sugar in it. everyone needs to drink alot of water anyway. so drink it and you will be surprised how all this will work togther. i have tryed the chocalate peanut butter protein bars. they are awsome. lemon is not bad. i use at least two differant flavors of shakes i rotate around so i dont get tired of the same thing. how did you find out about herbalife?? have somthing in your tummy every two or three hours. and never never wait to long. good luck to you. i wish you the best.
The best part of waking up is coffee in my cup!!!!
oops nunzi182 i forgot to tell you a canaster of shake will last almost a month. some of pills will go faster than others because you take one three times a day. please don't skip any the pills. or anything else. all this works together. order before you run out is best. gooood luck
The best part of waking up is coffee in my cup!!!!