So I have suffered with increasing allergies since my last year in H.S. I swear it gets worse year by year and it is completely a year-round thing. being a sensitive gal from the get go (I was plauged with excema and dermatitis since I was a baby), I keep learning accumulating new issues as I get older. Asthma, bronchitis, and more and more allergies. Really can't bear to do the allergen tests. I know I am allergic to shrimp, cats, smoke, and most environmental things I am sure.
Lived on Benedryl and Claritin most days for the past few years. I think I am becoming IMMUNE to Benedryl and for sure Claritin. Have tried many brands of allergy medicines but i really wonder what I am putting in my body day after day. Nothing seems to be a good relief except 2 pills of Benedryl, at which point I am completely in a haze and drowsy.
Anyone have recommendations? This is affecting my work and regular life. I'm either miserable or sleepy. TIA!