I think overall I wouldn't want to be famous. I always wanted to have a taste just to see what it would be like. I'm not sure I would want to give up my privacy and my freedoms, like just walking down the street without being hounded. The paparrazzi (sp?) are ruthless. I wouldn't want my every move recorded. I think I would end up becoming super paranoid about what I was doing.
I used to want to be, but not any more! I had my own small taste locally, and it was a nightmare! I couldn't go to grocery store, to dinner, shopping, ANYWHERE without either running into someone or being petrified that I was going to run into someone. I can't even remember how many times I've had to duck behind displays or into aisles to avoid people ...
No thanks!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
No way in hell! Sure the money would be nice, and the free stuff, but honestly - most celebs seem so egotistical and self-absorbed. I would never want to be like that. Not to mention, every move you make is under a microscope - you can't have a bad day..everything's on camera. No way!
I would want to be famous in the "insert profession here" of the stars sense of the word. You know like: Designer of the stars or Party Planner of the stars. I think those people are famous, but not like celebrity famous. Like that guy who plans all of Oprah's parties. He is famous. I want to be famous for designing all of their invitations to their fabulous events!!! ;)
I would want to be famous in the "insert profession here" of the stars sense of the word. You know like: Designer of the stars or Party Planner of the stars. I think those people are famous, but not like celebrity famous. Like that guy who plans all of Oprah's parties. He is famous. I want to be famous for designing all of their invitations to their fabulous events!!! ;)
I'd love to give interviews and make celebrity playlists for iTunes and generally just make people listen to how wonderful I am. And go to events and be fabulously dressed. And be able to go anywhere in the world with all my money.
But I would HATE to be followed around or for my life to be in the spotlight, other than exactly when I wanted it to.
So basically, it's not a dream I would chase or anything, but if it happened I couldn't resist.
Okay how do I explain this. I am a musician (Mostly Punk Music), so although I would love to have a successful band (major record deal, concerts, etc.) However, I wouldn't want the press or that lifestyle, sure the money would be nice, but I would ideally just want to be successful at what I love and make enough money to have a comfortable life.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Yes, but not as a screen/tv actor, although, I used to want to be a Hollywood actress. I want to be recognized for a creative profession (like writing, designing, Broadway performance, etc). If I had some kind of line, like jewelry or clothing or even a store, I'd like to have celebrity clients.
It's in my blood to love the spotlight, so I'd probably get a kick out of being a celeb for a bit. The stalkerazzi would get old after a while, though.